Bolas de acero aleado 5210052100 alloy steel balls are high-carbon, chromium-containing steel balls known for their durability and hardness. Made from 52100 steel, a grade of bearing steel, they are commonly used in applications that require high wear resistance, toughness, and the ability to withstand high loads.
Bolas de cerámicaLas bolas de cerámica son un tipo especializado de cojinete de bolas fabricado con materiales cerámicos. Las bolas cerámicas tienen características únicas que las hacen superiores a otros tipos de bolas para su uso en aplicaciones industriales. Ofrecen excelente dureza, alta resistencia y resistencia al desgaste, así como baja conductividad eléctrica y conductividad térmica. A diferencia de las bolas metálicas o de plástico, las bolas cerámicas son resistentes a la corrosión y pueden soportar entornos agresivos sin deteriorarse.
Rodillos sueltosLoose rollers are individual, separate rolling elements used in certain types of bearings, such as roller bearings. Unlike the rollers in a traditional roller bearing assembly, which are typically held in place by a cage or retainer, loose rollers are not confined and can move freely within the bearing housing.
AlfileresPins are cylindrical components commonly used in mechanical assemblies to align, fasten, or support various parts. They are typically made from materials such as steel, stainless steel, or alloy steels and are used in a wide range of applications, from machinery to automotive and structural engineering.
EjesShafts are long, cylindrical mechanical components used to transmit rotational motion and torque between machine parts. They are typically made of materials such as steel, stainless steel, or alloy steel, depending on the application’s strength, durability, and corrosion resistance requirements.
Bolas de acero inoxidableStainless steel balls are high-performance balls made from stainless steel alloys, typically used in applications requiring durability, resistance to corrosion, and high precision. They are widely used in bearings, valves, and other mechanical systems where smooth movement and reliability are essential.
Bolas de titanioTitanium balls are high-performance balls made from titanium, known for their excellent strength-to-weight ratio, corrosion resistance, and high temperature stability. They are used in applications where durability, light weight, and resistance to harsh environments are important.
Bolas de carburo de tungstenoTungsten carbide balls are extremely hard, durable balls made from tungsten carbide, a compound composed of tungsten and carbon. Known for their high strength, wear resistance, and hardness, they are often used in applications that demand the highest performance in terms of precision and durability.
Rodamientos esféricos aeroespacialesLos cojinetes esféricos aeroespaciales, también conocidos como cojinetes de extremo de barra de control de aeronaves, son componentes mecánicos especializados que se utilizan en aplicaciones aeronáuticas y aeroespaciales para conectar y articular superficies de control, como barras de control, varillas de empuje y enlaces. Estos rodamientos son fundamentales para proporcionar un movimiento suave y preciso, transmitir fuerzas y absorber cargas en los sistemas de control de aviones, misiles y naves espaciales.
Rodamientos de bolas de control de fuselajeLos rodamientos de bolas de control del fuselaje son componentes críticos para garantizar el funcionamiento seguro y eficaz de las aeronaves. Estos rodamientos especializados están diseñados para soportar y regular el movimiento de los componentes de la aeronave, concretamente las superficies de control de alas, flaps, alerones, timón y elevador.
Rodamientos de bolas de contacto angularLos rodamientos de bolas de contacto angular presentan pistas de rodadura en los anillos interior y exterior desplazadas con respecto al eje del rodamiento. Este diseño les permite soportar eficazmente cargas combinadas, gestionando simultáneamente las fuerzas radiales y axiales. Se utilizan habitualmente en bombas industriales, maquinaria agrícola, cajas de engranajes, energías renovables, compresores, motores y generadores eléctricos industriales, camiones, robótica y automatización, remolques y autobuses, etc.
Rodamientos de Bolas de Ranura ProfundaLos rodamientos rígidos a bolas, conocidos por su versatilidad y eficacia, se utilizan ampliamente en la industria. Soportan cargas radiales y axiales y son famosos por su durabilidad y fiabilidad. Nuestros rodamientos rígidos de bolas de alta calidad son los sustitutos ideales de marcas tan conocidas como SKF, Timken, NTN, NSK, McMaster-Carr y FAG. Para rodamientos con diámetro interior < 10 mm, consulte la lista de rodamientos miniatura.
Rodamientos de bolas con pestañaLos rodamientos de bolas con pestaña son elementos mecánicos duraderos diseñados para soportar cargas radiales y axiales mediante un conjunto circular de bolas. Evitan la desalineación, reducen el desgaste y garantizan una rotación suave incluso bajo carga. Con su resistencia inherente a entornos hostiles y vibraciones, representan una solución fiable para numerosas aplicaciones industriales.
Rodamientos guía del mástilLos rodamientos guía de mástil son un componente crucial en los equipos de manipulación de materiales, especialmente en las carretillas elevadoras. Están diseñados específicamente para soportar elevadas cargas radiales y ocasionales cargas de empuje, por lo que resultan esenciales para el buen funcionamiento de los mecanismos de elevación.
Rodamientos en miniaturaLos rodamientos miniatura funcionan en aplicaciones cotidianas, así como en los entornos más exigentes, incluidas las temperaturas altas/bajas, criogénicas, de vacío, corrosivas y de alta velocidad. Ofrecemos relubricación autorizada de fábrica con lubricantes especiales y personalizados, lo que garantiza un fácil intercambio con las principales marcas, como NMB.
Rodamientos de bolas autoalineablesLos rodamientos de bolas autoalineables están diseñados para resolver los problemas de desalineación y flexión del eje en aplicaciones industriales. Destacan por su capacidad para corregir desalineaciones entre el eje y el alojamiento, ideal en situaciones en las que una alineación precisa es un reto o se produce una flexión del eje.
Rodamientos de sección constanteLos rodamientos de sección fina, que destacan por su perfil delgado, tienen como objetivo reducir el peso, conservar el espacio, disminuir la fricción y mejorar la versatilidad del diseño, manteniendo al mismo tiempo una gran precisión. Se utilizan en instrumentación, robótica, aeroespacial, equipos médicos, cámaras y equipos ópticos. Nuestra selección incluye tamaños en pulgadas y métricos en múltiples configuraciones. Estos rodamientos son compatibles con los modelos Kaydon y se complementan con una tabla de intercambio concisa para facilitar su consulta.
Rodamientos axiales de bolasLos rodamientos axiales de bolas son un tipo específico de rodamiento giratorio de bolas diseñado para soportar cargas axiales en una dirección. Están diseñados para soportar cargas axiales (de empuje) a altas velocidades, pero no pueden soportar cargas radiales.
Rodamientos agrícolasLos rodamientos agrícolas hacen que la maquinaria agrícola funcione sin problemas. Son lo suficientemente resistentes como para soportar suciedad, cargas pesadas y mucho más. Estos rodamientos son clave para el rendimiento duradero de equipos como tractores y cosechadoras.
Rodamientos dentalesLos rodamientos dentales son un componente mecánico de precisión utilizado en los instrumentos dentales. Están diseñados específicamente para soportar las altas velocidades de rotación, los rigurosos procesos de esterilización y las exigencias de funcionamiento preciso inherentes a las aplicaciones dentales. Desempeñan un papel vital a la hora de garantizar la eficacia, precisióny fiabilidad de los procedimientos dentales.
Rodamientos con aislamiento eléctrico & rodamientos INSOCOATLos rodamientos aislados eléctricamente incorporan materiales aislantes en su diseño, normalmente aplicando una capa no conductora a los anillos del rodamiento. Esto puede lograrse mediante diversos métodos, como recubrimientos cerámicos o capas de polímeros aislantes. La capa aislante se integra cuidadosamente para garantizar que no comprometa el rendimiento mecánico del rodamiento.
Rodamientos en miniatura para caudalímetrosFlow meter miniature bearings are small, precision bearings designed specifically for use in flow meters, which are devices that measure the flow rate of liquids and gases. These miniature bearings are essential components in ensuring smooth and accurate operation of flow meters, especially in applications where space is limited and precision is crucial.
Rodamientos de alta temperaturaLos rodamientos para altas temperaturas (también conocidos como rodamientos resistentes a altas temperaturas o rodamientos para temperaturas extremas) son tipos especializados de rodamientos diseñados para funcionar en entornos con temperaturas elevadas. Estos rodamientos están diseñados para soportar el calor, por lo que son ideales para aplicaciones en industrias como la aeroespacial, la automoción, la siderurgia, la fabricación de vidrio, etc., donde se dan temperaturas extremas.
Rodamientos Lazy SusanLazy Susan bearings are specialized bearings designed to enable smooth, rotating motion in circular or rotating platforms, such as in tables, cabinets, or display stands. They are named after the popular rotating trays used for serving food, typically placed in the center of a dining table. These bearings allow the platform to rotate smoothly and efficiently, often without the need for external motors.
Rodamientos de sección constante para iluminación escénicaThin section bearings for stage lighting are specialized bearings designed to support the rotating and moving parts of stage lighting systems, while minimizing size and weight. These bearings are crucial in ensuring smooth, precise, and quiet motion for stage lights, which are often adjusted to provide different lighting angles and effects during performances.
Cojinetes del turbocompresorTurbocharger bearings are specialized bearings used in turbochargers to support the rotating shaft and ensure smooth, high-speed rotation of the turbine and compressor. These bearings are critical for the performance and durability of the turbocharger, which is responsible for boosting engine performance by increasing the intake air pressure.
Rodamientos para mesas giratoriasLos rodamientos para mesas giratorias están diseñados con precisión para aplicaciones con cargas axiales, radiales e inclinadas combinadas, esenciales en maquinaria avanzada de alta precisión. Los rodamientos YRT para mesas giratorias son un subtipo especializado de esta categoría.
Seguidor de leva con bulón excéntricoAn eccentric stud cam follower is a type of cam follower bearing with an eccentric stud design, commonly used in camshaft-driven systems to convert rotary motion into linear motion or vice versa. These cam followers are typically employed in applications where precise movement or high load-carrying capacity is needed, such as in machinery and automation systems.
Espárrago de brida Seguidor de levaA flange stud cam follower is a type of cam follower bearing that features a stud with an integrated flange. This design allows the cam follower to be mounted more securely and helps provide better load distribution in applications where both radial and axial loads are encountered. The flange also serves to keep the bearing in position during operation, preventing it from shifting or becoming misaligned.
Yugo de brida Seguidor de levaA flange yoke cam follower is a type of cam follower bearing that features a yoke design with an integrated flange. This bearing design is typically used in camshaft-driven systems or machinery where precise linear or rotary motion is required. The flange yoke cam follower combines the benefits of a stable, secure mounting (via the flange) and the versatility of a yoke-style configuration, which can be used in various industrial applications.
Seguidores de levas especialesSpecial cam followers are custom-designed or non-standard cam followers built to meet specific requirements that go beyond the typical applications of standard cam followers. These cam followers are tailored for unique or challenging operating conditions, where standard designs may not provide the necessary performance, load capacity, or durability. Special cam followers can feature custom materials, sizes, shapes, or additional features such as coatings and lubrication systems to enhance their functionality in demanding applications.
Seguidor de levaA stud cam follower is a type of cam follower bearing designed to follow the contours of a cam profile, converting rotary motion into linear motion or vice versa. The stud cam follower consists of a stud with a bearing assembly mounted at its end, which rides along the cam surface. This type of cam follower is commonly used in systems where smooth, precise motion is required under high load conditions.
Seguidor de leva con ranura en VA V groove stud cam follower is a specialized type of cam follower bearing that features a stud with a "V-shaped" groove on the outer surface. This design allows the cam follower to fit into a corresponding "V-shaped" track or groove on the cam or track system. The V groove stud cam follower is typically used in applications where precise motion control and alignment are critical, particularly in systems where the cam profile or track has a specific groove that needs to be followed.
Yugo de ranura en VA V Groove Yoke Cam Follower is a specialized type of cam follower bearing designed for use in systems where the cam or track features a "V-shaped" groove. This cam follower has a yoke-style mounting that allows it to be securely attached to the machine while following a V-shaped cam profile. The V-groove design helps to guide the cam follower precisely along the track, ensuring smooth, accurate movement even under high loads or shock conditions.
Yugo seguidor de levaA Yoke Cam Follower is a type of cam follower bearing that features a yoke-style mounting, allowing it to be securely attached to machinery or a cam system. This type of cam follower is designed to follow the cam profile, converting rotary motion into linear motion, or vice versa, with smooth and precise movement. The yoke design typically provides more robust load distribution and mounting stability compared to other types of cam followers.
Rodamientos Cerámicos de Bolas de Contacto AngularLos rodamientos cerámicos de bolas de contacto angular son un tipo especializado de rodamiento diseñado para aplicaciones de precisión que requieren un funcionamiento a alta velocidad y fiabilidad. Estos rodamientos se distinguen tanto por su construcción como por las propiedades de sus materiales, ofreciendo numerosas ventajas en entornos exigentes.
Rodamientos de bolas de cerámicaLos Rodamientos Cerámicos a Bolas representan un avance significativo en la tecnología de los rodamientos, conocidos por sus excepcionales propiedades y rendimiento en diversas aplicaciones.
Bolas de cerámicaLas bolas de cerámica son un tipo especializado de cojinete de bolas fabricado con materiales cerámicos. Las bolas cerámicas tienen características únicas que las hacen superiores a otros tipos de bolas para su uso en aplicaciones industriales. Ofrecen excelente dureza, alta resistencia y resistencia al desgaste, así como baja conductividad eléctrica y conductividad térmica. A diferencia de las bolas metálicas o de plástico, las bolas cerámicas son resistentes a la corrosión y pueden soportar entornos agresivos sin deteriorarse.
Componentes cerámicosCeramic components are parts made from advanced ceramic materials, which are known for their superior properties, such as high wear resistance, excellent thermal stability, and exceptional hardness. These components are used in various high-performance applications where metal parts may not provide the necessary performance characteristics.
Rodamientos de rodillos cilíndricos de cerámicaLos rodamientos cerámicos de rodillos cilíndricos son un tipo de rodamiento de elementos rodantes que se utiliza ampliamente en diversas aplicaciones, como las máquinas herramienta, la industria aeroespacial y los equipos médicos. También son adecuados para su uso en entornos hostiles donde pueden estar presentes altas temperaturas, productos químicos u otras condiciones duras.
Rodamientos de bolas con pestaña de cerámicaLos rodamientos cerámicos de bolas con pestaña son un tipo especializado de rodamientos cerámicos que están diseñados con una pestaña para ayudar a fijar su posición y mejorar su estabilidad. Pueden ayudar a fijar mejor la posición. Nuestro inventario incluye una amplia serie de rodamientos cerámicos de bolas con pestaña con diámetros interiores que van desde 2 mm a 480 mm.
Rodamientos insertos cerámicosUn rodamiento de inserción de cerámica es un tipo de rodamiento que utiliza materiales cerámicos para sus anillos interior y exterior, elementos rodantes y, a veces, su jaula o retenedor. Se utilizan normalmente en aplicaciones que requieren alta precisión, altas velocidades y baja fricción. Nuestros rodamientos de inserción cerámicos tienen un diámetro interior que oscila entre 12 mm y 100 mm y números de referencia de la serie UC.
Rodamientos Cerámicos Autoalineantes de BolasLos rodamientos de bolas autoalineables de cerámica son un tipo especializado de rodamiento diseñado para soportar cargas radiales y axiales de alta velocidad. Estos rodamientos están fabricados con un robusto material cerámico que proporciona una resistencia a la corrosión, una solidez y una durabilidad superiores a las de otros tipos de rodamientos. A diferencia de los rodamientos estándar, que tienen un diseño rígido fijo, los rodamientos de bolas autoalineables de cerámica tienen un anillo interior y otro exterior que pueden girar entre sí, lo que permite que el rodamiento se autoalinee dentro de la unidad de alojamiento.
Rodamientos de rodillos cónicos de cerámicaLos rodamientos de rodillos cónicos de cerámica son un tipo de rodamiento axial radial de rodillos que utiliza rodillos cilíndricos de material cerámico. Estos rodamientos tienen una pista de rodadura cónica en sus anillos interior y exterior, lo que les permite soportar cargas radiales y axiales. He aquí algunos aspectos clave de los rodamientos de rodillos cónicos de cerámica:
Rodamientos axiales de bolas de cerámicaUn rodamiento axial de bolas cerámicas es un tipo de rodamiento diseñado para soportar cargas axiales, es decir, cargas paralelas al eje de rotación. Pueden ofrecer varias ventajas sobre los rodamientos de acero tradicionales. Los rodamientos axiales de bolas cerámicas se utilizan normalmente en aplicaciones que requieren altas velocidades, altas temperaturas y baja fricción.
Rodamientos cerámicos híbridosLos rodamientos cerámicos híbridos son un tipo de rodamiento avanzado que combina los mejores atributos de los materiales de acero y cerámica. En estos rodamientos, las pistas interior y exterior suelen ser de acero, mientras que los elementos rodantes son de cerámica. Esta composición única ofrece varias ventajas sobre los rodamientos tradicionales totalmente de acero o totalmente cerámicos.
Rodamientos combinados de rodillos ajustables con rodillo axial de plásticoAdjustable Combined Roller Bearings with Plastic Axial Rollers are a type of bearing system that combines the features of both radial and axial bearings. They consist of rollers arranged in a way that they can handle both radial and axial loads, making them versatile for various applications. The use of plastic axial rollers provides additional benefits such as reduced weight, corrosion resistance, and quieter operation compared to traditional metal rollers.
Rodamientos de rodillos combinados ajustables con calzos Adjustable Combined Roller Bearings with Shims are a type of bearing system designed to support both radial and axial loads, with the added feature of shims to adjust the bearing clearance or preload. Shims are thin, flat pieces of material (typically metal) that can be inserted into the bearing assembly to modify the bearing's performance characteristics, ensuring optimal alignment, load distribution, and overall functioning.
Rodamientos de rodillos combinados ajustables para cargas pesadasAdjustable Heavy Duty Combined Roller Bearings are a type of bearing designed to handle both radial and axial loads in heavy-duty applications. These bearings feature an adjustable mechanism that allows fine-tuning of the preload or clearance, optimizing their performance under varying load conditions. With their robust design, these bearings are ideal for environments where high load capacity, precision, and reliability are essential.
Rodamientos de rodillos combinados excéntricos ajustablesEccentric Adjustable Combined Roller Bearings are a specialized type of bearing that supports both radial and axial loads, with the added feature of an eccentric design and adjustable mechanisms. The eccentric feature allows for fine-tuning of the bearing’s alignment and load distribution, which is particularly useful in applications where precise adjustments are necessary for optimal performance. These bearings are commonly used in machinery and equipment that experience heavy loads or require precise control over load handling and alignment.
Placas de bridaFlange Plates are flat, typically circular or rectangular metal components used to connect and support parts within mechanical systems. They feature a flange (a protruding edge) that enables easy attachment to other components, such as pipes, shafts, or bearings, ensuring a secure and stable connection. Flange plates are commonly used in a wide range of industries and applications, particularly when there is a need for a strong, fixed joint.
Rodamientos Radiales de Rodillos de PrecisiónPrecision Radial Roller Bearings are specialized bearings designed to support radial loads with high accuracy and minimal friction. These bearings are used in applications where precision, reliability, and performance are critical. They typically feature rolling elements (such as cylindrical or tapered rollers) that run along raceways, providing smooth motion and reducing wear. Precision radial roller bearings are built to offer exceptional load capacity and stability, even in high-speed and high-precision environments.
Rodamientos de rodillos combinados estándarStandard Combined Roller Bearings are bearings designed to handle both radial and axial loads simultaneously, making them versatile for a wide range of applications. These bearings combine the features of two types of bearings—typically a radial roller bearing and an axial bearing—into a single unit, enabling them to support forces acting both perpendicular (radial) and parallel (axial) to the shaft. Their compact design and ability to handle multiple load directions make them ideal for machinery and systems where space constraints or complex load conditions are present.
Rodamientos de ranura GG Groove Bearings are a type of bearing designed to run in a groove with a specific "G" shaped profile. The "G" groove, often used in combination with linear motion systems, helps to secure and guide the bearing along a track or shaft. These bearings are widely used in applications that require smooth motion and high load capacity, particularly where precision and stability are critical.
Serie LVThe LV Series typically refers to a specific line of bearings or mechanical components designed for high-performance, heavy-duty, or specialized applications. While the exact definition can vary depending on the manufacturer or industry, the LV Series often indicates a series designed to provide superior durability, load handling capacity, and efficiency in demanding environments.
Serie SGThe SG Series typically refers to a specific line or type of bearings, components, or equipment designed for specialized applications, where high performance, durability, and load-bearing capacity are crucial. While the exact definition of "SG Series" can vary depending on the manufacturer or industry, it often denotes a series that is engineered for superior strength, reliability, and efficiency under demanding conditions.
Rodamientos ranurados en UU Groove Bearings are a type of bearing designed to run along a groove with a U-shaped profile, providing smooth, stable motion and high load capacity in various mechanical systems. These bearings are often used in applications where the track or rail system has a U-shaped groove, guiding the bearing as it moves along the path. They are widely utilized in applications where precise linear motion is required, and they excel in environments where high load-bearing capacity is crucial.
Rodamientos ranurados en VV Groove Bearings are a type of bearing designed to run along a track or rail with a "V" shaped groove profile. These bearings are commonly used in systems that require smooth, precise motion along a guide, offering high load capacity and durability. The "V" groove design allows for stable guidance, providing both radial and axial load support, making them ideal for a variety of industrial and commercial applications.
Serie WLas ruedas guía de la serie W están diseñadas por expertos para movimientos rectos y giratorios en muchas industrias. Son conocidas por su resistencia, fiabilidad y alto rendimiento. Estas ruedas son una pieza clave en diversos entornos difíciles, como fábricas y laboratorios de investigación.
Rodamientos lineales a bolasLinear Ball Bearings are a type of bearing designed to provide smooth, low-friction motion along a linear path. They consist of a series of ball elements that roll between a rail or track and a bearing block, allowing the bearing to move with minimal resistance. These bearings are ideal for applications requiring precise linear motion, as they are capable of supporting both radial and axial loads.
Rodamientos lineales a bolas para ejes de carriles soporteLinear Ball Bearings for Support Rail Shafts are a type of bearing specifically designed to operate on support rail shafts, providing smooth and efficient linear motion along a fixed track or guide rail. These bearings are ideal for applications where precision and load-bearing capacity are crucial, and they allow smooth movement while minimizing friction and wear. Linear ball bearings are often used in conjunction with support rail shafts in machinery, automation systems, and various industrial applications.
Soportes de rodamientos linealesLinear Bearing Housings are integral components designed to house and support linear bearings, enabling smooth, precise linear motion in a wide range of mechanical systems. These housings provide a stable structure for the linear bearing to fit into, ensuring proper alignment, protection from contaminants, and secure mounting within a machine or system. Linear bearing housings are used in various applications, including automated systems, CNC machines, and material handling equipment.
Rodamientos lineales para ejes estriadosLinear Bearings for Spline Shafts are specialized bearings designed to provide smooth, low-friction motion along spline shafts. These bearings enable precise linear movement while allowing the spline shaft to transmit rotational motion and torque. Linear bearings used with spline shafts are ideal for applications where both linear motion and rotational motion are required, offering an efficient solution for complex machinery.
Rodamientos lineales de manguitoLinear Sleeve Bearings are a type of bearing designed to provide smooth, low-friction motion in linear applications. Unlike traditional ball or roller bearings, sleeve bearings use a simple cylindrical design without rolling elements. Instead, they rely on a sliding surface to allow motion between two components, typically a shaft and a bearing housing. These bearings are cost-effective, durable, and commonly used in a variety of applications where low friction and steady movement are needed.
Rodamientos lineales de manguito para ejes de raíles de soporteLinear Sleeve Bearings for Support Rail Shafts are specifically designed to provide smooth, low-friction motion along support rails in linear motion systems. These bearings typically consist of a cylindrical sleeve that slides over a shaft or rail, offering an efficient solution for applications where precise, steady, and quiet movement is required. They are commonly used in systems with support rail shafts, where space is limited, and high load capacities or complex designs are not necessary.
Rodamientos lineales a bolas montadosMounted Linear Ball Bearings are pre-assembled bearing units designed to provide smooth and precise linear motion. They consist of a linear ball bearing housed in a mounting bracket or frame, allowing for easy installation and integration into machinery and systems. These bearings are used in applications where linear movement is needed but space constraints or ease of maintenance are priorities.
Rodamientos lineales a bolas montados para ejes de raíles de soporteMounted Linear Ball Bearings for Support Rail Shafts are specialized bearing units designed to provide smooth and precise linear motion along support rail shafts. These bearings are pre-assembled in a housing or bracket, which makes them easy to install on systems that require linear movement along rails or shafts. They are typically used in applications where space is limited or where it is important to maintain accurate, low-friction motion along a fixed path.
Rodamientos lineales montados para ejes estriadosMounted Linear Bearings for Spline Shafts are specialized bearing units designed to provide smooth, low-friction linear motion along spline shafts. These bearings are pre-assembled with a mounting bracket or housing, making them easy to install and integrate into systems that require linear movement along spline shafts. Spline shafts, which have grooves or ridges, are commonly used to transmit torque and rotational motion, and mounted linear bearings for these shafts help guide components along the splines with minimal friction.
Rodamientos lineales de manguito montadosMounted Linear Sleeve Bearings are pre-assembled bearing units designed to provide smooth and reliable linear motion along a shaft or rail. These bearings consist of a sleeve-type bearing housed in a mounting bracket or frame, making them easy to install and use in applications where linear movement is required. They are often used in systems that demand minimal friction, low maintenance, and precise movement.
Rodamientos lineales de manguito montados para ejes de carril soporteMounted Linear Sleeve Bearings for Support Rail Shafts are pre-assembled bearing units specifically designed to provide smooth and efficient linear motion along support rail shafts. These bearings feature a sleeve-type bearing housed within a mounting bracket or frame, which makes them easy to install in systems where components need to move smoothly along a fixed support rail.
Insertos de rodamientos anticorrosiónCorrosion Protection Bearing Inserts are specialized bearing components designed to protect bearings from corrosion, extending their service life and ensuring reliable performance in harsh or corrosive environments. These inserts are commonly used in industries where bearings are exposed to moisture, chemicals, or other corrosive elements, such as marine, food processing, and pharmaceutical applications.
Unidades de rodamiento anticorrosiónCorrosion Protection Bearing Units are bearing assemblies designed with special materials and coatings to protect bearings from corrosion and wear, particularly in harsh environments where bearings are exposed to moisture, chemicals, or extreme temperatures. These bearing units help ensure reliable performance and extend the service life of machinery in applications where standard bearings would typically degrade due to corrosive conditions.
Insertos de rodamientos montadosMounted Bearing Inserts are specialized bearing units designed to fit into bearing housings, providing smooth rotational movement in various industrial applications. These inserts are pre-assembled bearing elements that offer ease of installation, making them ideal for applications where quick and reliable bearing solutions are required.
Unidades de rodamiento montadasMounted Bearing Units are pre-assembled bearing systems that consist of a bearing housed in a protective casing, designed for easy installation and maintenance in a variety of machinery and equipment. These units are widely used in industries where bearings need to be mounted securely and efficiently while handling various types of loads.
Rodamientos de manguitoSleeve Bearings are simple, non-rolling bearings that consist of a cylindrical sleeve that fits around a shaft. They provide smooth motion by allowing the shaft to rotate within the bearing's inner surface, which is typically made of a low-friction material such as bronze, plastic, or composite materials. Sleeve bearings are used in applications where reduced friction, ease of installation, and cost-effectiveness are important.
RótulasLas rótulas, cojinetes de deslizamiento robustos y autoalineables, son excelentes para soportar cargas de impacto. Con su alta resistencia a tales cargas, estos cojinetes son idealespara secciones oscilantes que funcionan con cargas lentas pero sustanciales.
Subcontratación de rodamientos de poliuretanoOutsourcing Polyurethane Bearings refers to the practice of sourcing polyurethane bearings from third-party manufacturers or suppliers instead of producing them in-house. Polyurethane bearings are made from a durable, elastic material that combines the wear resistance of plastic with the flexibility and cushioning properties of rubber. Outsourcing these bearings allows companies to benefit from specialized manufacturing, cost efficiency, and high-quality production without the need to invest in in-house equipment or expertise.
Subcontratación de rodamientos con revestimiento de poliuretano y tornilloOutsourcing Polyurethane Coated Bearings with Screws refers to the practice of sourcing bearings that are coated with polyurethane material and come with integrated screws for easy attachment or installation. These bearings combine the durability and wear resistance of polyurethane with the practical benefits of a screw mechanism for secure mounting. Outsourcing the production of these bearings allows companies to benefit from cost savings, specialized manufacturing, and access to high-quality products without having to invest in in-house production capabilities.
Subcontratación de rodamientos POMOutsourcing POM Bearings refers to the practice of sourcing bearings made from Polyoxymethylene (POM), a high-performance engineering plastic, from external suppliers instead of producing them in-house. POM bearings are known for their excellent wear resistance, low friction, and high dimensional stability, making them ideal for a wide range of applications across various industries. Outsourcing POM bearings allows companies to leverage the expertise of specialized manufacturers and access cost-effective, high-quality bearing solutions.
rodamientos recubiertosPolyurethane Coated Bearings are bearings that have a layer of polyurethane material applied to the bearing surface. This coating enhances the bearing's durability, wear resistance, and friction properties, making it suitable for demanding applications in various industries. Polyurethane coatings combine the toughness and abrasion resistance of plastics with the flexibility and shock-absorbing characteristics of rubber.
Rodamiento revestido de poliuretano con tornilloPolyurethane Coated Bearing with Screw combines the benefits of polyurethane coating with the added functionality of a screw mechanism for easy attachment and secure mounting in various applications. The polyurethane coating offers enhanced wear resistance, low friction, and shock absorption, while the screw design allows for easy installation and secure attachment to machinery or equipment.
Seguidores de leva/rodillos guía recubiertos de poliuretanoPolyurethane Coated Cam Followers/Track Rollers are specialized bearings used in applications where smooth motion, durability, and resistance to wear are essential. These components combine the robustness of cam followers or track rollers with the advantages of a polyurethane coating, providing enhanced performance in demanding environments. The polyurethane coating on the cam followers or track rollers offers excellent wear resistance, reduced friction, and shock absorption, making them ideal for a wide range of applications across industries.
Volante de poliuretanoPolyurethane Flywheel refers to a flywheel that is either fully or partially coated with a layer of polyurethane or incorporates polyurethane elements in its design. Flywheels are mechanical devices used to store rotational energy, smooth out fluctuations in rotational speed, and provide stability to the system. Polyurethane flywheels take advantage of the unique properties of polyurethane, such as its durability, shock absorption, and resistance to wear, to enhance the performance and lifespan of the flywheel in various applications.
Cojinete revestido de POMPOM Coated Bearing refers to bearings that are coated with Polyoxymethylene (POM), a high-performance engineering plastic known for its low friction, wear resistance, and dimensional stability. The POM coating enhances the bearing's durability and performance, making it suitable for demanding applications in a wide range of industries. POM-coated bearings offer the benefits of plastic's light weight and high resistance to wear, while still providing the load-carrying capabilities of traditional bearings.
El perno de topeA stop bolt is a mechanical component used to limit or control the movement of a part within a system. It functions as a physical barrier that prevents further movement beyond a certain point, ensuring that machinery or equipment operates within safe and predefined limits. Stop bolts are commonly used in various applications, including in machinery, vehicles, conveyors, and structural systems.
Rodamientos de rodillos cruzadosLos rodamientos de rodillos cruzados son un tipo de rodamiento de rodillos con alta precisión de rotación capaz de soportar cargas en todas las direcciones. Al tener rodillos cilíndricos dispuestos ortogonalmente, puede soportar cargas en todas las direcciones. Esto permite que un rodamiento de rodillos cruzados sustituya a más de un rodamiento de bolas, ahorrando así el espacio requerido por los rodamientos de bolas y reduciendo los costes de material asociados.
Rodamientos de rodillos cilíndricosLos rodamientos de rodillos cilíndricos son un componente crucial en muchas aplicaciones industriales debido a su versatilidad y fiabilidad. En esta completa guía, exploraremos los diferentes tipos de rodamientos de rodillos cilíndricos disponibles, su diseño y construcción únicos, las ventajas que ofrecen en comparación con otros tipos de rodamientos, la compensación de las desalineaciones, las aplicaciones industriales en las que se utilizan habitualmente y las ventajas generales.
Rodamientos de agujasLos rodamientos de agujas, también llamados rodamientos de agujas, utilizan rodillos cilíndricos largos y estrechos en todas las gamas de tamaños. Nuestro moderno diseño de rodillo/canaleta evita los picos de tensión permitiendo una mayor vida útil del rodamiento de agujas. Consulte nuestra amplia variedad de tamaños, diseños y series para encontrar la conexión perfecta para su aplicación.
Rodamientos de rodillos a rótulaLos rodamientos de rodillos a rótula son un tipo de rodamiento con dos hileras de rodillos en forma de tonel dispuestos en ángulo para soportar elevadas cargas radiales y axiales. Pueden funcionar a altas velocidades manteniendo bajos niveles de fricción y generación de calor.
Rodamientos axiales de rodillos a rótulaLos rodamientos axiales de rodillos a rótula son rodamientos especializados que pueden soportar elevadas cargas axiales, desalineaciones y desviaciones del eje, lo que los hace ideales para maquinaria y equipos pesados.
Rodamientos de rodillos cónicosLos rodamientos de rodillos cónicos son un tipo de rodamiento radial que tiene pistas de rodadura cónicas y rodillos cónicos dentro de esas pistas de rodadura. El diseño de los rodamientos de rodillos cónicos les permite soportar cargas radiales y axiales en aplicaciones que requieren gran precisión. Funcionan transfiriendo el movimiento y el par entre dos superficies inclinadas entre sí.
Serie SP-HSP-H Series Slewing Drivers are mechanical components used in slewing drives, which are gear mechanisms designed to provide rotational movement for large machinery or equipment. A slewing driver is responsible for transmitting torque to the slewing ring bearing, enabling slow, controlled rotation of large structures or heavy loads. Slewing drives are essential in applications where precise movement and high torque are required.
Serie SP-ISP-I Series Slewing Drivers are mechanical components used to drive and control the rotation of large, heavy structures or equipment. They are part of the slewing drive mechanism, which typically includes a slewing ring bearing and a gear system that enables precise rotational movement. Slewing drivers are often used in applications where large loads need to rotate slowly and steadily, providing high torque, precision, and control.
Serie WD-HThe WD-H Series Slewing Drivers are a specific line of slewing drive products designed for high-performance applications that require precise rotational control, high torque, and robust load-bearing capabilities. These drivers are typically used in industries such as construction, solar energy, wind turbines, and industrial machinery, where large components need to rotate or position with accuracy and reliability.
Serie WD-LThe WD-L Series Slewing Drivers are a specific line of slewing drives designed for applications that require high torque, precise rotation, and heavy load handling. These slewing drivers are typically used in industries where slow and controlled rotational movement of large, heavy components is needed, such as in construction, solar power, wind turbines, and material handling.
Coronas giratorias combinadasCombination Slewing Rings are specialized mechanical components designed to support and transmit both radial and axial loads simultaneously. They combine the functions of slewing bearings and turntable bearings, offering a compact and efficient solution for a wide variety of applications requiring rotation or oscillation of large, heavy structures. These components are often used in industries like construction, mining, renewable energy, and material handling, where the ability to rotate heavy loads with stability and precision is critical.
Rodamiento giratorio de rodillos cruzadosA Cross Roller Slewing Ring Bearing is a type of bearing that combines the function of a slewing ring with a cross roller design to provide high precision, heavy load capacity, and smooth rotational movement. These bearings are used in applications where high radial, axial, and tilting loads need to be handled while maintaining compact size and high accuracy. The rollers in a cross roller slewing ring are arranged at a 90° angle to each other, providing excellent stability and load distribution.
Desarrollado para su uso en vehículos de transporteDeveloped for Use in Transport Vehicles, bearings and related components are critical for ensuring smooth operation, efficiency, and durability across various transportation systems. These components are specifically engineered to meet the demanding conditions of transport vehicles, from trucks and buses to trains and airplanes. Their primary function is to reduce friction, manage loads, and facilitate movement, all while withstanding the harsh environments typical of transport applications.
Rodamiento giratorio de bolas de ocho puntos de contactoAn Eight Point Contact Ball Slewing Ring Bearing is a type of slewing ring bearing designed to provide high load capacity and precision by distributing loads across eight contact points between the ball and the raceway. This configuration ensures that the bearing can handle both radial and axial loads, as well as tilting moments, making it highly versatile for applications with complex loading conditions.
Rodamiento giratorio de bolas de cuatro puntos de contactoA Four Point Contact Ball Slewing Ring Bearing is a type of slewing ring bearing that features four points of contact between the rolling balls and the raceways. This configuration allows the bearing to handle both radial and axial loads, as well as tilting moments, making it a versatile and highly efficient choice for applications requiring smooth, precise rotation under heavy loads.
Piñones de acoplamientoMating Pinions are gears that work in conjunction with another gear, typically a crown gear or ring gear, to transfer motion and torque in mechanical systems. They are commonly used in applications requiring rotational movement between two gears with different sizes, such as in differential gears, steering mechanisms, or gearboxes.
Rodamientos para tocadiscos RealiSlim TTLos rodamientos para plataformas giratorias RealiSlim tt, con sus exclusivos diseños de pistas de rodadura en los anillos interior y exterior, pueden soportar cargas radiales, axiales y de momento a la vez. Pueden sustituir a dos rodamientos en muchas aplicaciones. Combinan las características de los rodamientos de sección constante y los rodamientos para plataformas giratorias.
Rodamiento giratorio de rodillos cruzados de tres hilerasA Three-Row Cross Roller Slewing Ring Bearing is a type of slewing ring bearing that features three rows of cylindrical rollers arranged in a crisscross or crossed pattern. This unique design allows it to handle radial loads, axial loads, and tilting moments all at once, making it highly versatile and efficient for applications requiring high load capacity and precision rotation.
Coronas giratorias de bolas de empujeThrust Ball Slewing Rings are a type of slewing bearing designed specifically to support axial (thrust) loads. They are ideal for applications where high axial loads need to be handled while maintaining smooth rotational motion. Unlike other slewing rings that can handle both radial and axial loads, thrust ball slewing rings are primarily optimized for axial load capacity.
Rodamientos de bolas de contacto angular de acero inoxidableStainless steel angular contact ball bearings have internal raceways that are effectively opposite each other, they are designed to accommodate both axial and radial loads and when used in pairs have a tremendous load bearing capacity.
Rodamientos de bolas de acero inoxidableLos rodamientos de bolas de acero inoxidable son un componente crucial en una amplia gama de equipos y máquinas. Conocidos por su alto rendimiento y durabilidad, los rodamientos de bolas de acero inoxidable son muy comunes en una gran variedad de industrias.
Rodamientos de bolas con brida de acero inoxidableLos rodamientos con brida de acero inoxidable tienen una brida de acero macizo en el anillo exterior. Esto permite fijar el rodamiento más fácilmente en un alojamiento. La brida también puede ayudar a evitar el movimiento axial del rodamiento en caso de una carga de empuje sobre el rodamiento. Es más fácil mantener la posición de un rodamiento con brida en el alojamiento cuando hay muchas vibraciones.
Rodamientos de agujas de acero inoxidableLos rodamientos de agujas de acero inoxidable se fabrican con acero inoxidable mediante un proceso de tratamiento térmico y rectificado de alta precisión. Se utilizan en equipos médicos, maquinaria alimentaria y de envasado, maquinaria textil y química, robots, turbinas eólicas, así como en otros campos. Los rodamientos de agujas de acero inoxidable están disponibles en materiales como AISI440C, AISI420, AISI304 y AISI316L. De acuerdo con las aplicaciones y requisitos específicos de nuestros clientes, los materiales para los rodamientos de agujas de acero inoxidable pueden ser bien configurados.
Rodamientos de bolas autoalineables de acero inoxidableLos rodamientos de bolas autoalineables de acero inoxidable son un tipo de rodamiento que puede ofrecer un excelente rendimiento en aplicaciones en las que existe desalineación o flexión del eje. Estos rodamientos están diseñados con dos hileras de bolas que se desplazan sobre una pista de rodadura común de anillo exterior esférico, lo que permite que el rodamiento se autoalinee y compense cualquier desalineación. Además, el uso de acero inoxidable de alta calidad en su construcción los hace resistentes a la corrosión y capaces de soportar entornos de funcionamiento difíciles.
Rodamientos axiales de bolas de acero inoxidableLos rodamientos axiales de bolas de acero inoxidable están diseñados para soportar cargas axiales en una sola dirección. Se componen de una arandela de eje, una arandela de alojamiento y un juego de bolas con jaula. La jaula está diseñada para mantener las bolas en su sitio y separadas uniformemente. Las arandelas de empuje y las bolas son de material de acero inoxidable. El material de la jaula puede ser acero inoxidable, nailon o latón. El acero inoxidable se utiliza a menudo para fabricar estos cojinetes debido a su excelente resistencia a la corrosión y durabilidad.
Rodamientos de bolas de contacto angular de superprecisiónAngular Contact Ball Bearings are a type of ball bearing that can support both radial and axial loads simultaneously. The unique design of angular contact ball bearings allows them to handle higher speeds and precision while maintaining robust load-bearing capabilities. These bearings are particularly useful in applications where high-precision rotation is needed and the bearing needs to handle both radial and axial forces in one direction.
Rodamientos axiales de bolas de contacto angular de superprecisión para husillos roscadosAngular Contact Thrust Ball Bearings for Screw Drives are specialized bearings designed to support axial loads and radial loads simultaneously, making them ideal for applications like screw drives where high precision and load-handling capabilities are crucial. These bearings are a combination of angular contact ball bearings and thrust ball bearings, designed specifically for applications where thrust or axial loads are predominant, such as in linear motion systems or ball screws.
Rodamientos de rodillos cilíndricos axial-radial de superprecisiónAxial-Radial Cylindrical Roller Bearings are specialized bearings designed to handle both radial and axial loads simultaneously. These bearings combine the advantages of cylindrical roller bearings, which are primarily designed for radial load support, with the capability to handle axial loads, making them highly versatile in a variety of applications where both types of forces need to be managed.
Rodamientos de rodillos cilíndricos de superprecisiónLos Rodamientos de Rodillos Cilíndricos de Súper Precisión son rodamientos de alto rendimiento diseñados para ofrecer precisión y baja fricción a altas velocidades, ideales para maquinaria avanzada y herramientas de precisión. Están fabricados con materiales de vanguardia para ofrecer un rendimiento superior.
Rodamientos axiales de bolas de contacto angular de superprecisión y doble direcciónDouble Direction Angular Contact Thrust Ball Bearings are specialized bearings designed to support axial loads in both directions, making them ideal for applications that require precise and reliable load support in opposite directions. They are a combination of angular contact ball bearings and thrust ball bearings, designed specifically to handle axial loads in two directions while maintaining smooth rotational performance.
Serie LDDLDD Series Wire Race Bearings are a type of specialized bearing that uses wire race technology for smooth, low-friction operation in a variety of applications, particularly in precision and high-load scenarios. These bearings are characterized by their unique design, which incorporates wire races instead of traditional raceways, making them lighter and offering reduced friction, which is ideal for specific types of machinery that require precise movement and load handling.
Serie LDLLDL Series Wire Race Bearings are advanced bearings that use wire race technology for smooth and efficient motion, offering reduced friction and high performance in applications where lightweight, precise load handling, and high-speed operation are essential. These bearings feature a unique design where thin wire raceways replace traditional race surfaces, making them ideal for demanding industries such as robotics, aerospace, and precision machinery.
Serie LEDLED Series Wire Race Bearings are a type of bearing that incorporates wire race technology to provide high performance, low friction, and precise movement in space-constrained and high-load applications. These bearings are designed for applications that require smooth rotational movement, high precision, and reduced weight, such as in robotics, aerospace, and precision machinery.
Serie LEGLEG Series Wire Race Bearings are a type of specialized bearing that utilizes wire race technology to provide smooth, efficient, and high-performance motion in applications where reduced friction, high precision, and lightweight construction are essential. The wire race design replaces traditional solid raceways with thin wire strands, resulting in lower friction and a more compact bearing design. These bearings are particularly useful in robotics, aerospace, and precision equipment where space and weight are critical.
Serie LELLEL Series Wire Race Bearings are a type of specialized bearing that incorporates wire race technology to provide smooth, efficient, and high-performance motion in applications where reduced friction, high precision, and compact design are essential. These bearings feature a unique construction where wire raceways replace traditional solid raceways, resulting in lower friction, high-speed operation, and lightweight performance. They are ideal for use in demanding applications such as robotics, aerospace, precision machinery, and medical devices.
Serie LERLER Series Wire Race Bearings are a specialized type of bearing that utilizes wire race technology for smooth, efficient motion in applications where reduced friction, high precision, and lightweight design are crucial. These bearings replace traditional solid raceways with thin, high-strength wire raceways, which enables superior performance, especially in space-constrained environments. The LER series is designed for high-precision applications across industries like robotics, aerospace, and medical devices, where performance, reliability, and space efficiency are paramount.
Tuercas adhesivasAdhesive-Mount Nuts are specialized nuts that are designed to be attached to surfaces using adhesive instead of traditional fastening methods like welding or threading. These nuts are often used in applications where it is difficult or impractical to drill or thread the surface to which the nut is being attached. They are commonly used in industries such as electronics, automotive, aerospace, and manufacturing for their convenience and efficiency in installation.
Husillos de bolas y tuercasBall Screws and Nuts are essential components used in linear motion systems to convert rotational motion into linear motion with high efficiency. They are commonly used in applications where precise movement and high load-carrying capacity are required, such as in CNC machines, automated equipment, robotics, and medical devices. Ball screws and nuts are designed to reduce friction and improve the accuracy and lifespan of machinery.
Tuercas de cojineteBearing Nuts are specialized nuts used in conjunction with bearings to secure them in place within a mechanical system. They play a crucial role in ensuring the stability, alignment, and proper functioning of bearings in various applications, ranging from automotive to industrial machinery. Bearing nuts are typically designed to handle significant forces and are made from high-strength materials to ensure durability and reliability.
Tuercas de sombrereteCap Nuts are a type of nut with a closed end, often used to cover or protect the exposed threads of a bolt or screw. They are designed not only to provide a secure fastening but also to offer a clean, finished appearance while protecting the threads from environmental elements like dirt, moisture, and corrosion. Cap nuts are commonly used in both functional and aesthetic applications across various industries.
Tuercas de clipClip-On Nuts are specialized fasteners that clip onto a surface or component without the need for threading or additional tools. They are designed to be easily attached to a metal panel, frame, or similar surface, making them ideal for quick assembly and applications where threading is not practical or desirable. Clip-on nuts are widely used in industries such as automotive, electronics, and construction for securing bolts, screws, or other fasteners quickly and securely.
Tuercas de acoplamientoCoupling Nuts are cylindrical fasteners used to connect two male-threaded components, such as bolts or rods, to create a longer or more secure assembly. They are typically longer than standard nuts, allowing them to span the length of two connected parts. Coupling nuts are commonly used in applications where it is necessary to join rods, pipes, or other threaded parts to extend their reach or provide additional strength to a connection.
Tuercas de montaje del cilindroCylinder Mount Nuts are specialized fasteners designed for securing cylindrical components, typically in machinery, hydraulic systems, and pneumatic applications. These nuts are used to attach and secure cylinders, such as hydraulic or pneumatic actuators, to other parts of machinery or equipment. Cylinder mount nuts are often used in conjunction with other components like flanges, washers, or mounting plates to ensure proper alignment and stability.
Tuercas pasadorDowel Nuts are a type of cylindrical fastener designed to align and secure components in place, typically used in assembly applications where precise alignment and positioning are required. These nuts are often used in industries like automotive, furniture manufacturing, and construction to provide strong, reliable connections between two parts, often involving dowels or pins for alignment.
Tuercas de bridaFlange Nuts are a type of nut that has a built-in flange, which is a wide, flat surface on one side of the nut. The flange acts as a built-in washer, providing additional support and distributing the load over a larger area. Flange nuts are commonly used in applications where vibration resistance and a secure, even fastening are required.
Tuercas hexagonalesHex Nuts are one of the most commonly used types of nuts in various industries, characterized by their six-sided (hexagonal) shape. They are designed to fit onto bolts or screws with matching external threads to securely fasten two or more parts together. Hex nuts are versatile and can be used in a wide range of applications, from construction to machinery assembly.
Tornillos de plomo y tuercasLead Screws and Nuts are mechanical components used for converting rotary motion into linear motion, or vice versa, and are commonly found in applications requiring precise movement and positioning, such as in machinery, actuators, and CNC machines.
ContratuercasLocknuts are specialized nuts designed to prevent loosening due to vibrations, thermal expansion, or other forces that might cause standard nuts to become loose over time. They provide a secure fastening in applications where high levels of vibration or movement are common, making them essential in many industries.
TuercasLug Nuts are a type of fastener used to secure a vehicle's wheels to the wheel hub. They are commonly found in the automotive industry and play a crucial role in ensuring that the wheels are safely and securely attached to the vehicle. Lug nuts are typically used with a bolt or stud and come in various designs and configurations, depending on the type of vehicle and its wheel system.
Tuercas de panelPanel Nuts are a type of fastener used to secure panels or thin materials to a surface or framework. They are typically designed to be installed in applications where space is limited or where the material being fastened is too thin to accommodate a standard bolt or nut.
Tuercas a presiónPress-fit nuts are specialized types of nuts designed for installation into a hole without the need for threading or additional fasteners. They are typically used in applications where it is difficult to insert a traditional nut and bolt. These nuts feature a press-fit design that allows them to be inserted into a pre-drilled hole and securely fasten to the material due to their interference fit or slight deformation when pressed in.
Tuercas de botónPush-button nuts are a type of fastener designed for easy installation and removal, often used in applications where quick assembly or disassembly is required. These nuts have a unique design that allows them to be inserted or removed with a simple push, making them convenient for situations where tools or complex procedures are not practical.
Tuercas remachablesRivet nuts, also known as blind nuts or insert nuts, are fasteners that provide strong, permanent threads in materials that are too thin or too weak to be tapped or threaded directly. These nuts are designed to be inserted into a pre-drilled hole, and once installed, they form a secure, threaded connection in materials like metal, plastic, and fiberglass.
Tuercas remachablesRivet-mount nuts, often referred to as rivet nuts or blind insert nuts, are a specific type of fastener designed to provide strong, permanent threads in materials where access to both sides is limited, or where traditional threading or tapping is not feasible. They are typically used in applications where the material is too thin to be tapped directly, and where a secure threaded connection is needed.
Tuercas de rótulaRod end nuts, also known as heim joint nuts or rose joint nuts, are specialized fasteners used in conjunction with rod ends or heim joints to secure them in place. These nuts are typically used in applications where rotational movement or angular adjustment is required, such as in automotive, aerospace, industrial machinery, and heavy equipment.
Tuercas atornillablesScrew-mount nuts are a type of fastener that is designed to be attached to a surface or structure using screws. These nuts typically have a flat surface or a mounting base that allows them to be secured with screws, bolts, or other types of threaded fasteners. They are often used in applications where a nut needs to be mounted to a surface in a way that doesn't require a traditional threaded hole or nut insertion.
Tuercas de selladoSealing nuts are specialized fasteners designed to provide a secure, leak-proof seal when installed. These nuts incorporate sealing features, such as rubber, silicone, or other gasket-like materials, that prevent fluids, gases, or contaminants from escaping through the nut or the connection. Sealing nuts are commonly used in industries where a tight seal is essential, such as in automotive, aerospace, plumbing, and industrial machinery.
Tuercas de montaje del amortiguadorShock absorber mounting nuts are specialized fasteners used to secure shock absorbers to various parts of a vehicle or machinery. These nuts are specifically designed to handle the forces generated by shock absorption systems, ensuring a secure and reliable connection while allowing for the movement required for the shock absorber to function effectively.
Tuercas redondas ranuradasSlotted round nuts are a type of fastener with a round shape and a slot or grooves cut into the surface. These slots are typically designed for use with a specialized tool, such as a slotted nut driver or a screwdriver, to tighten or loosen the nut. Slotted round nuts are commonly used in applications where a secure, easy-to-adjust fastening system is needed, often in situations with limited space or where a higher torque is required.
Tuercas a presiónSnap-in nuts are fasteners designed to quickly and securely attach to a surface without the need for traditional threading or a separate tool. They are typically used in applications where a fast, tool-free installation is required, such as in automotive, electronic, and industrial assemblies. These nuts are designed to "snap" or "clip" into place, often in sheet metal or other thin materials, creating a secure threaded connection for bolts, screws, or other fasteners.
Tuercas de enchufeSocket nuts are a type of nut with a cylindrical design and a socket or internal drive that allows them to be tightened or loosened using a socket wrench or other similar tools. They are commonly used in mechanical, automotive, industrial, and construction applications, where a strong and secure fastening is needed.
Nueces partidasSplit nuts are a type of fastener that features a split or gap along the side of the nut, allowing it to expand or contract to fit snugly around a threaded bolt or stud. This split design allows the nut to be installed or removed without requiring tools or the need to fully screw the nut onto a bolt. Split nuts are commonly used in applications where quick installation or removal is necessary, or where a tight and secure fit is critical without the risk of loosening due to vibration.
Tuercas inviolablesTamper-resistant nuts are specialized fasteners designed to prevent unauthorized removal or tampering, ensuring that the nut stays securely in place under conditions where safety, security, or durability is critical. These nuts are commonly used in applications where the risk of tampering or theft is high, or where the integrity of the assembly needs to be maintained under challenging conditions.
Tuercas de conexión de tubosTube-connecting nuts are fasteners designed to securely connect two or more tubes or pipes in various systems, such as fluid, gas, or hydraulic systems. These nuts play a crucial role in providing a leak-proof and secure connection between tubes, ensuring that the system operates effectively and safely. Tube-connecting nuts are commonly used in plumbing, industrial, automotive, and hydraulic applications.
Tuercas para soldarWeld nuts are specialized fasteners designed to be attached to a metal surface by welding. These nuts are commonly used in applications where a permanent, secure threaded connection is required, particularly in thin metal sheets or structures where tapping threads might not be feasible. Weld nuts provide a reliable method for fastening components without the need for additional threads or fasteners.
Tubos y accesorios de aluminioAluminum pipes and pipe fittings are crucial components in various industries, including construction, plumbing, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), automotive, and industrial systems. Aluminum is chosen for its combination of lightweight, corrosion resistance, and strength, making it a preferred material in many fluid, gas, and structural piping applications.
Tubos roscados y racores de latón y bronceBrass and bronze threaded pipes and pipe fittings are commonly used in plumbing, HVAC, industrial, and marine applications due to their durability, corrosion resistance, and ease of installation. Both materials are alloys of copper, but they have distinct properties and are chosen for specific applications based on their characteristics.
Tubos y accesorios de latón y bronce sin roscaBrass and bronze unthreaded pipes and pipe fittings are used in various applications where welded, flanged, or compression fittings are preferred over threaded connections. Both brass and bronze are alloys of copper, known for their durability, corrosion resistance, and ability to perform well in a wide range of environments. They are commonly used in plumbing, HVAC, industrial, and marine systems, particularly when corrosion resistance and strength are essential.
Tubos y accesorios de cobre-níquelCopper-nickel (Cu-Ni) pipe and pipe fittings are a popular choice in many industries due to their excellent corrosion resistance, strength, and durability, especially in harsh environments. Copper-nickel alloys, which typically contain 10-30% nickel, offer superior resistance to seawater, chemicals, and high temperatures, making them ideal for marine, chemical, and power generation applications.
Tubos roscados y accesorios de tubería de acero para presiones extremasExtreme-pressure steel threaded pipes and pipe fittings are designed to handle high-pressure environments where standard steel pipes and fittings may not be sufficient. These pipes and fittings are typically made from high-strength, durable steel alloys and are used in industries such as oil and gas, power generation, chemical processing, and heavy industry. They are engineered to withstand extreme pressures and maintain performance and safety under challenging conditions.
Tubos y accesorios roscados de hierro y acero para alta presiónHigh-pressure iron and steel threaded pipes and pipe fittings are specifically designed to withstand intense internal pressure in various industrial applications. These fittings are crucial in systems where high-pressure fluids or gases need to be transported safely and securely. They are commonly used in industries such as oil and gas, power generation, chemical processing, HVAC, and hydraulics.
Abrazaderas y accesorios para tubos de hierro y aceroIron and steel clamp-on pipes and pipe fittings are commonly used in various industrial applications where quick installation, maintenance, and secure connections are required. These fittings are particularly useful in systems that need to be assembled or disassembled frequently without welding or threading, making them versatile for temporary or emergency repairs, as well as for permanent installations.
Tubos y accesorios de hierro y acero sin roscarIron and steel unthreaded pipes and pipe fittings are used in a variety of applications where secure, long-lasting connections are required but threading is not practical or necessary. These unthreaded systems typically rely on welding, flanging, or compression fittings to connect the pipes. Iron and steel are the most commonly used materials for such pipes and fittings due to their strength, durability, and cost-effectiveness.
Tubos y accesorios roscados de hierro y acero galvanizados de baja presiónLow-pressure galvanized iron and steel threaded pipes and pipe fittings are commonly used in systems that do not require high-pressure capabilities but still need strength, durability, and resistance to corrosion. The galvanization process (coating the iron or steel with a layer of zinc) enhances the material's ability to withstand moisture and environmental exposure, making it suitable for various applications, particularly in plumbing, HVAC, and light industrial systems.
Tubos y accesorios roscados de hierro y acero para baja presiónLow-pressure iron and steel threaded pipes and pipe fittings are commonly used in plumbing, HVAC, and light industrial systems where pressure requirements are not extremely high but strength, durability, and ease of installation are still important. These materials offer good mechanical properties and are suitable for systems that operate at low to medium pressures, typically under 150-300 psi.
Tubos y accesorios roscados de hierro y acero para media presiónMedium-pressure iron and steel threaded pipes and pipe fittings are designed to handle pressures higher than those of low-pressure systems but lower than those in high-pressure applications. These pipes and fittings are commonly used in a variety of industrial, commercial, and residential systems, such as water supply, HVAC, oil and gas distribution, and other fluid transportation systems where moderate pressures are involved. Typically, these systems operate under pressures between 150 psi and 600 psi.
Collares para tubosPipe collars are fittings used to encase and protect pipes, providing structural support and enhancing the overall safety and integrity of the piping system. They are typically installed where pipes pass through walls, ceilings, or floors, and they help maintain the strength, alignment, and fire-resistance of the installation. Pipe collars are essential in both commercial and industrial applications, where ensuring the safe passage of pipes through barriers is crucial.
Tubos roscados y accesorios de tubería de acero inoxidableStainless steel threaded pipes and pipe fittings are commonly used in a wide range of industries due to their excellent corrosion resistance, strength, and durability. They are particularly ideal for systems exposed to corrosive environments, high temperatures, and aggressive chemicals. Stainless steel provides both aesthetic and functional benefits in piping systems, making it a popular choice for industrial, commercial, and residential applications.
Tubos y accesorios de acero inoxidable sin roscaStainless steel unthreaded pipes and pipe fittings are widely used in applications where corrosion resistance, durability, and hygiene are essential. Unlike threaded fittings, unthreaded pipes and fittings rely on methods like welding, flanging, or compression fittings to join sections together. Stainless steel’s excellent mechanical properties and resistance to a wide range of chemicals and environments make it a popular choice in various industries, from food processing to chemical manufacturing.
Racores roscados de titanioTitanium threaded pipe fittings are highly durable and corrosion-resistant components used in piping systems where strength, lightweight, and resistance to harsh environments are crucial. Titanium is a premium material often chosen for its exceptional performance in extreme conditions, such as high temperatures, aggressive chemicals, and corrosive environments. These fittings are commonly used in industries like aerospace, marine, chemical processing, and power generation.
Tornillos de 12 puntas12-point screws are a type of fastener characterized by a head with 12 points or sides instead of the more common 6 (hex) or 4 (square) points. These screws are designed to provide a higher torque capacity and a more secure grip compared to traditional fasteners. They are typically used in applications where high strength and precise, even fastening are critical. The 12-point design allows for greater surface contact and more contact points for the tool, making them ideal for heavy-duty industrial applications.
Tornillos de cabezaCap screws are a type of fastener that is commonly used in mechanical and construction applications where high strength and secure fastening are required. They are similar to bolts but generally feature a flat, cylindrical head with a hexagonal (six-sided) or square drive, allowing for easy installation with wrenches or socket drivers. Cap screws are typically used in situations where a bolt requires a flush or recessed fit, and they can be used in both blind holes and through holes.
Tornillos cautivos del panelCaptive panel screws are specialized screws designed to remain attached to a panel or enclosure, preventing them from being lost during installation or maintenance. They are often used in situations where screws need to be secured to a panel but must still be easily removable. The screw is "captive" in the hole, meaning it can be rotated or turned but won’t fall out, even when unscrewed. These screws are widely used in electronics, machinery, enclosures, and electrical panels, where tools like screwdrivers are required to access or secure components.
Pernos de carroCarriage bolts are a type of fastener commonly used in wood and metal applications where a smooth, rounded head and a secure, non-rotating grip are required. They are designed to be inserted through a hole and secured with a nut, making them ideal for joining pieces of wood or metal together, especially when the fastener needs to be hidden or flush with the surface.
Tornillos de cabeza planaFlat head screws are a type of screw designed with a flat, countersunk head that allows the screw to sit flush with or below the surface of the material being fastened. This design makes them ideal for applications where a smooth, even surface is needed, and the screw head should not protrude above the surface, preventing any interference or damage to surrounding components.
Tornillos de cabeza hexagonalHex head screws are fasteners characterized by a hexagonal (six-sided) head, which allows them to be easily driven with a wrench or socket. This design makes them ideal for applications requiring a high degree of torque and a secure fastening. Hex head screws are commonly used in both industrial and DIY projects for joining materials together, especially when high strength and durability are required.
Tornillos de cabeza redondeadaRounded head screws are fasteners with a domed or rounded head that provides a smooth, unobtrusive appearance. The rounded shape of the head makes them suitable for applications where the screw needs to sit slightly above the surface or where aesthetic considerations are important. These screws are typically used when a lower-profile or more decorative finish is needed, without compromising the strength of the fastening.
Tornillos de fijaciónSet screws are a type of fastener used to secure an object within or against another object, typically without the need for a nut. Unlike other screws that are used to fasten materials together, set screws are designed to fix a part in place, often within a hollow or cylindrical component. They are commonly used in applications where a component needs to be secured in position and cannot move, such as securing gears, pulleys, or shafts to other components.
Tornillos de hombroShoulder screws are a type of fastener with a shoulder (a cylindrical, unthreaded section) between the head and the threaded portion of the screw. This shoulder provides a precise, smooth surface that can be used as a bearing surface for rotating or sliding components. Shoulder screws are commonly used in applications where parts need to be positioned, pivoted, or rotated, such as in machinery, automation, and automotive systems.
Tornillos de roscaTapping screws are fasteners that are specifically designed to create their own threads as they are driven into a material. They feature a sharp, pointed tip and are commonly used for fastening into pre-drilled or unthreaded holes, especially in materials like wood, metal, plastic, and sheet metal. Unlike other screws, tapping screws are able to cut into and "tap" the material as they are installed, eliminating the need for pre-threaded holes or nuts.
Varillas roscadas y espárragosThreaded rods and studs are fasteners that are fully threaded along their length and are commonly used in applications that require a strong, durable connection between two parts. While both are similar in their fully threaded design, they have distinct uses and configurations. Here’s a detailed look at each:
Tornillos de mariposaThumb screws are a type of fastener that are designed to be tightened or loosened by hand, without the need for tools. They have a large, knurled or ribbed head that provides a better grip for manual operation. These screws are commonly used in applications where frequent adjustments, removals, or assembly/disassembly are needed, and ease of handling is important.
Arandelas de seguridadCoil lock washers, also known as internal tooth lock washers or spring lock washers, are a type of washer designed to prevent fasteners from loosening due to vibration, shock, or rotational forces. These washers are typically used in mechanical and industrial applications where maintaining the tightness of a fastener is critical.
Arandelas de seguridad para pernos de cuello cuadradoLock washers for square-neck bolts are specialized washers used to prevent square-neck bolts from loosening due to vibrations, dynamic loads, or other forces. These washers are specifically designed to work with the square-neck design of the bolt, ensuring a secure, stable connection in various industrial, automotive, and construction applications.
Arandelas de seguridadSplit lock washers are a type of locking washer designed to prevent fasteners, such as bolts or nuts, from loosening due to vibration, torque, or other dynamic forces. They feature a split design, which provides a spring action that applies pressure to the fastener, keeping it tightly secured.
Arandelas de seguridadSpring lock washers, also known as coil lock washers or internal tooth lock washers, are a type of washer designed to prevent fasteners (such as bolts or nuts) from loosening due to vibration, shock, or other dynamic forces. These washers provide tension between the fastener and the material, enhancing the security of the connection. Their spring-like design gives them an ability to maintain pressure and resist loosening.
Arandelas estándarStandard washers are flat, circular discs used in conjunction with fasteners (such as screws, bolts, and nuts) to distribute the load evenly, prevent surface damage, and provide a secure and stable connection. They are among the most commonly used types of washers across a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and electronics.
Arandelas de seguridadTab lock washers, also known as tab washers or locking washers with tabs, are a type of lock washer used to prevent fasteners from loosening due to vibration, torque, or other dynamic forces. These washers feature one or more tabs that are bent over the edge of the fastener (usually a nut or bolt) to "lock" it in place, providing a secure and reliable fastening solution.
Arandelas dentadasTooth lock washers are a type of locking washer designed to prevent fasteners from loosening due to vibrations, dynamic loads, or other forces. These washers feature teeth that grip the fastener or the material being fastened, creating friction that helps maintain the tightness of the joint. There are two main types of tooth lock washers: internal tooth and external tooth lock washers.
Arandelas de cuñaWedge lock washers, also known as wedge lock sets or wedge lock fasteners, are a type of locking washer designed to prevent loosening of bolts, nuts, or screws due to vibration, thermal expansion, or dynamic forces. They work by creating a mechanical wedge effect that keeps fasteners tight and secure, even under harsh conditions.
Cadena y eslabones de fijación ANSIANSI attachment chains and links are types of mechanical chains and chain links that are designed and manufactured according to the standards set by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). These chains and links are used in various industrial, mechanical, and power transmission applications where a secure connection and smooth operation are essential.
Cadena de rodillos y eslabones ANSIANSI roller chain and links are widely used in mechanical power transmission applications, where the goal is to transfer motion and power between sprockets and rotating shafts. These chains conform to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards, which set specifications for the dimensions, strength, and performance of roller chains and their components. ANSI roller chains are commonly used in industries such as manufacturing, automotive, agriculture, and material handling.
Surtidos de eslabones de cadena de rodillos ANSIANSI roller chain link assortments are collections of different types of roller chain links and related components that conform to the ANSI B29.1 standard. These assortments are commonly used for maintenance, repair, and replacement of roller chains in various mechanical power transmission systems. They ensure that users have access to all necessary parts to maintain chain integrity and extend the operational life of equipment.
Casquillos para transmisiones por cadena y correaBushings for chain and belt drives are cylindrical components used in various types of mechanical drives to provide support, reduce friction, and allow smooth rotation of moving parts. They are crucial for ensuring the longevity and efficient operation of chain and belt drive systems, which are commonly found in machinery, conveyors, automotive, and industrial applications.
Cadena de rodillos métrica y eslabonesMetric roller chain and links are mechanical chains that conform to the metric system of measurements, as opposed to the Pulgada-based dimensions used in ANSI roller chains. These chains are used in power transmission applications where a secure, efficient, and reliable method of transferring motion and force between sprockets and shafts is required. Metric roller chains and links are commonly used in industries such as manufacturing, automotive, and material handling.
Cadena de rodillos en miniatura y eslabonesMiniature roller chain and links are compact versions of traditional roller chains, designed for applications that require a smaller, lighter, and more flexible chain system. These chains are commonly used in machinery, robotics, medical equipment, small conveyors, and various other precision applications where space is limited and weight reduction is important.
Engranajes cónicosBevel gears are a type of gear used to transmit rotational motion between intersecting shafts, typically at a 90-degree angle. These gears are designed to change the direction of movement and can also change the speed or torque of the system. They are often found in applications where space constraints or specific mechanical requirements necessitate a change in the direction of the power transmission.
CremalleraA gear rack is a type of linear gear that works in conjunction with a spur gear to convert rotational motion into linear motion. It is essentially a straight, flat bar with teeth cut along one edge, and it is used in systems where precise linear movement is required. Gear racks are commonly found in applications like steering systems, machine tools, and automated machinery.
Culata de varilla de engranajeGear rod stock refers to a type of gear-shaped material that is produced in rod or bar form, typically used for creating custom gears or gear components. This rod stock is made from high-quality materials and is commonly used in machining or fabrication processes to manufacture gears, sprockets, and other mechanical components that require specific gear profiles.
Identificadores del paso de los dientes del engranajeGear tooth pitch identifiers are used to define the size and spacing of the teeth on a gear. The pitch of a gear is a key measurement that indicates the distance between adjacent teeth and is essential for ensuring compatibility between gears in a gear train. There are different methods for defining and measuring gear pitch, and each method serves a specific purpose in gear design and application.
Engranajes cónicos metálicos de alta potenciaHigh-power metal bevel gears are precision-engineered gears made from high-strength metals designed to handle heavy-duty applications where high torque and power transmission are required. These bevel gears are used in systems that need to transfer motion and force at a right angle (typically 90 degrees), such as in automotive differentials, industrial machinery, and heavy equipment.
Engranajes metálicos de alta potenciaHigh-power metal gears are gears designed to handle and transmit significant amounts of power and torque, typically in heavy-duty applications such as industrial machinery, automotive drivetrains, and large-scale mechanical systems. These gears are made from high-strength metals and are engineered to operate efficiently under high stress, heavy loads, and demanding conditions. The materials used, along with the precision manufacturing processes, ensure these gears can withstand the rigors of high-power transmission while maintaining performance and longevity.
Engranajes de inglete de metal de alta potenciaHigh-power metal miter gears are specialized gears used to transmit power and motion between two shafts that intersect at a right angle (typically 90 degrees). They are similar to bevel gears but are designed specifically for high-power, heavy-duty applications where significant torque and load transmission are required. These gears are commonly made from high-strength metals and are engineered to handle demanding industrial environments, such as in heavy machinery, automotive systems, and high-performance gearboxes.
Engranajes cónicos metálicosMetal bevel gears are gears used to transmit motion and power between intersecting shafts, typically at 90 degrees, although other angles can also be used. These gears are essential for applications where space constraints or the need for a change in direction require the power to be transmitted at a right angle. Metal bevel gears are specifically designed for higher performance, durability, and strength, often being used in heavy-duty industrial and automotive applications.
Engranajes y cremalleras metálicasMetal gears and gear racks are crucial components in mechanical systems that require precise motion control and power transmission. These components are typically made from high-strength metals to ensure durability, efficiency, and the ability to handle significant loads, especially in industrial and automotive applications.
Ingletadoras metálicasMetal miter gears are a specific type of bevel gear used to transmit motion and power between shafts that intersect, typically at 90 degrees. Miter gears are distinguished from other bevel gears by their symmetrical tooth count on both gears in the pair, resulting in a 1:1 gear ratio. This symmetry means that the driving and driven gears have the same number of teeth, making them ideal for applications where equal power distribution between the gears is required.
Engranajes de trinquete y trinquetes metálicosMetal ratcheting gears are a type of gear mechanism that allows motion in only one direction, effectively preventing backward motion. This is achieved by incorporating a ratchet and pawl system, which locks the gear in place when it moves in one direction and permits free rotation when moving in the opposite direction. Ratcheting gears are widely used in applications that require unidirectional motion, such as in wrenches, hoists, bicycle freewheels, and clock mechanisms.
Gusanos y sinfines metálicosMetal worms and worm gears are specialized mechanical components used for power transmission in applications that require large gear reductions and high torque in a compact space. A worm gear consists of a worm (screw) and a worm wheel (gear). The worm acts like a screw that meshes with the teeth of the worm wheel, transferring motion and torque at a 90-degree angle to the input shaft. This design allows for high gear ratios, making it ideal for slow-moving applications or for reducing speed significantly in a single stage.
Engranajes de ingleteMiter gears are a type of bevel gear used to transmit power and motion between two shafts that intersect at a right angle (90 degrees), though they can also operate at other angles. What differentiates miter gears from other bevel gears is their symmetrical tooth count, meaning both gears in the pair have the same number of teeth, resulting in a 1:1 gear ratio. This makes miter gears ideal for applications where equal torque is required on both shafts, and they are commonly used in situations where space constraints or specific directional changes are needed.
Ruedas cónicas y piñones de plásticoPlastic bevel gears are a type of bevel gear made from plastic materials, designed to transmit power and motion between two shafts that typically intersect at a 90-degree angle. These gears operate similarly to their metal counterparts but are lighter, quieter, and more resistant to corrosion. They are often used in applications where noise reduction, weight savings, or corrosion resistance are more important than the high load-carrying capacity that metal gears offer.
Engranajes y cremalleras de plásticoPlastic gears and gear racks are essential components used in various mechanical systems to transmit motion and power between shafts. These components are made from various types of engineering plastics, offering unique advantages such as lightweight, cost-effective production, and resistance to corrosion. While plastic gears and racks can be used in many applications, they are particularly beneficial in environments where metal gears may not be suitable due to factors like noise, weight, or corrosion resistance.
Ingletadoras de plásticoPlastic miter gears are a type of bevel gear designed to transmit motion and power between two shafts that typically intersect at a 90-degree angle. Similar to metal miter gears, plastic miter gears feature symmetrical teeth, resulting in a 1:1 gear ratio between the driving and driven gears. They are made from engineering plastics, offering significant advantages in terms of weight, corrosion resistance, and noise reduction compared to their metal counterparts.
Engranajes de trinquete y trinquetes de plásticoPlastic ratcheting gears combine the features of ratchet mechanisms with the lightweight and low-friction advantages of plastic materials. These gears are designed to allow rotation in only one direction while preventing motion in the opposite direction, typically through the use of a ratchet and pawl system. Plastic ratcheting gears are commonly used in applications where unidirectional motion is required and where the benefits of light weight, corrosion resistance, and low noise are important.
Tornillos sinfín de plásticoPlastic worm gears are mechanical components used in worm gear drives, where a worm (a gear in the form of a screw) meshes with a worm wheel (a gear that resembles a spur gear) to transmit motion and torque between shafts that are typically set at a 90-degree angle. Plastic worm gears offer several advantages over metal gears, including lighter weight, noise reduction, corrosion resistance, and the ability to handle low-to-medium torque applications efficiently.
Engranajes rectosSpur gears are one of the most common types of gears used in mechanical systems to transmit motion and power between shafts that are typically parallel to each other. They feature straight teeth that are cut parallel to the axis of rotation, making them one of the simplest and most widely used gear types. Spur gears are typically used when the need for precise motion and reliable power transmission is critical, especially in low-to-medium torque and low-to-medium-speed applications.
Gusanos y lombricesWorms and worm gears are specialized gear systems used to transmit power and motion between two non-intersecting shafts, typically at a 90-degree angle. A worm gear consists of a worm (a type of gear with a helical thread, similar to a screw) that meshes with a worm wheel (a gear with teeth that mesh with the worm). This arrangement allows for significant gear reduction, meaning the worm gear can achieve high torque output while reducing the speed of the drive.
Poleas de correa dentada de desconexión rápida serie HH Series Quick-Disconnect Timing Belt Pulleys are mechanical components designed to transmit power from a driving source to a driven machine via a timing belt. The H series refers to a specific type of timing belt pulley, typically designed for high-torque applications and for use in industries that require quick maintenance and easy belt changes. The quick-disconnect feature allows for easy removal of the pulley from the shaft without the need for additional tools, reducing downtime and simplifying maintenance in equipment like conveyors, machinery, and automation systems.
Poleas de correa dentada serie HH Series Timing Belt Pulleys are precision mechanical components designed to work with H Series timing belts for the transmission of motion and torque between shafts. These pulleys are widely used in mechanical systems where exact synchronization between the driving and driven components is essential. The H Series refers to a specific design standard for toothed timing belts and pulleys, ensuring high torque transmission, precision, and reliability. H Series pulleys are suitable for various applications, including conveyors, machinery, and automated systems.
Poleas de correa de distribución resistentes a la corrosión de la serie LL Series Corrosion-Resistant Timing Belt Pulleys are specifically designed components used in power transmission systems that rely on timing belts. These pulleys are part of the L Series, which typically refers to pulleys that use L-profile timing belts (with 2mm or 2.5mm pitch). The key feature of these pulleys is their corrosion-resistant properties, making them ideal for use in environments where exposure to moisture, chemicals, or harsh conditions could lead to degradation or failure of standard metal pulleys.
Poleas de correa dentada de desconexión rápida serie LL Series Quick-Disconnect Timing Belt Pulleys are designed for high-precision applications where easy maintenance, quick adjustments, and reliable performance are essential. These pulleys feature a quick-disconnect mechanism, allowing them to be easily removed or replaced without requiring special tools. The L Series designation typically refers to pulleys that work with L-profile timing belts, which have a 2mm or 2.5mm pitch. The quick-disconnect feature enhances the ease of installation and maintenance, reducing downtime in systems that require frequent adjustments, belt changes, or servicing.
Poleas de correa dentada serie LL Series Timing Belt Pulleys are mechanical components used in conjunction with L-profile timing belts for power transmission in a wide range of industrial and mechanical applications. These pulleys are designed to work with L-type timing belts, which have a 2mm or 2.5mm pitch. The L Series pulleys offer high precision, smooth operation, and are often used in applications where accurate synchronization and efficiency are required.
Poleas de correa dentada resistentes a la corrosión serie MXLMXL Series Corrosion-Resistant Timing Belt Pulleys are mechanical components used in power transmission systems that require high precision and efficient operation while being resistant to harsh environments. These pulleys are designed to work with MXL-profile timing belts, which feature a 2.032mm (0.080 Pulgadaes) pitch. The key feature of these pulleys is their corrosion-resistant properties, making them suitable for use in environments where exposure to moisture, chemicals, or other corrosive elements is a concern.
Poleas de correa de distribución ligeras serie MXLMXL Series Lightweight Timing Belt Pulleys are designed for high-precision power transmission applications that require the combination of lightweight construction and efficient operation. These pulleys are specifically made to be used with MXL-profile timing belts, which feature a 2.032mm (0.080 Pulgadaes) pitch. The primary advantage of the MXL Series lightweight pulleys is their reduced weight, which makes them ideal for systems where minimizing mass is critical while still maintaining reliability and performance.
Poleas tensoras de la correa de distribuciónTiming Belt Idler Pulleys are essential components in timing belt systems, serving primarily to maintain belt tension, change the direction of belt travel, and ensure smooth, consistent operation of the system. These pulleys are designed to guide and adjust the path of the timing belt without transmitting power. Idler pulleys play a critical role in improving the overall efficiency and longevity of the timing belt system by preventing slippage, wear, and misalignment.
Poleas de correa de distribución resistentes a la corrosión serie XLXL Series Corrosion-Resistant Timing Belt Pulleys are designed to provide durable, efficient, and reliable power transmission in systems where corrosion resistance is essential. These pulleys are specifically engineered for use with XL-profile timing belts, which feature a 5.08mm (0.200 Pulgadaes) pitch. The XL series is particularly suitable for applications requiring light to medium power transmission and is ideal for environments where corrosion or harsh conditions might be a concern.
Poleas de correa de distribución ligeras serie XLXL Series Lightweight Timing Belt Pulleys are designed to offer a balance between lightweight construction and efficiency in power transmission systems that use XL-profile timing belts. These pulleys are specifically engineered to work with XL-profile timing belts, which have a 5.08mm (0.200 Pulgadaes) pitch. The main advantage of XL Series lightweight pulleys is their low weight, which makes them ideal for applications where reducing the overall mass is critical, without sacrificing performance or durability.
Poleas de correa dentada serie XLXL Series Timing Belt Pulleys are components designed to work with XL-profile timing belts in mechanical systems that require precise, reliable, and efficient power transmission. These pulleys are commonly used in a wide range of light to medium-duty applications. The XL series is characterized by a 5.08mm (0.200 Pulgadaes) pitch, which makes it ideal for applications where small to medium torque needs to be transmitted with high accuracy and minimal maintenance.
Piñones resistentes a la corrosión para cadena de rodillos ANSICorrosion-Resistant Sprockets for ANSI Roller Chain are specialized sprockets designed to operate in environments where corrosion resistance is essential. These sprockets are commonly used with ANSI roller chains in applications where the chain needs to provide durable, reliable performance despite exposure to moisture, chemicals, or other harsh environmental conditions.
Piñones planos para cadena de rodillos ANSIFlat Sprockets for ANSI Roller Chain are specialized sprockets used in power transmission systems that require smooth and efficient engagement with ANSI roller chains while maintaining a compact and low-profile design. Unlike traditional sprockets with raised teeth, flat sprockets feature flat or nearly flat surfaces, often used in systems where space constraints or unique design requirements call for a more compact and simple solution.
Ruedas dentadas planas para cadena de rodillos métricaFlat Sprockets for Metric Roller Chain are specialized sprockets designed to work with metric roller chains in power transmission systems. These sprockets feature a flat or nearly flat surface and are typically used in applications where space constraints, a low-profile design, or minimal sprocket engagement with the chain are desired.
Ruedas tensoras para cadena de rodillos ANSIIdler Sprockets for ANSI Roller Chain are sprockets used to guide, maintain tension, and support the smooth operation of ANSI roller chains in power transmission systems. These sprockets do not transmit power like drive sprockets; instead, their role is primarily to provide chain guidance and tension control, which is essential for keeping the system running smoothly and efficiently.
Ruedas tensoras para cadena de rodillos ANSI de doble ramalIdler Sprockets for Double-Strand ANSI Roller Chain are designed specifically for use with double-strand ANSI roller chains, which are commonly employed in power transmission systems requiring higher load capacities and more robust operation. Double-strand chains have two parallel rows of rollers, providing increased strength and the ability to transmit higher torque compared to single-strand chains. Idler sprockets for these systems help maintain proper alignment, tension, and smooth operation by guiding the chain without transmitting power.
Ruedas tensoras para cadena de rodillos métricaIdler Sprockets for Metric Roller Chain are components used in systems that employ metric roller chains, designed specifically for guiding, tensioning, and supporting the chain without transmitting power. These sprockets play a crucial role in ensuring smooth operation, maintaining proper chain tension, and preventing misalignment or slack, which can lead to inefficiencies or system failure.
ISO - 06B-1, MÉTRICA 35 - PASO DE 0,375" (9,525 MM), SIMPLEX.The ISO-06B-1 or Metric 35-0.375" (9.525 mm) Pitch, Simplex roller chain is a metric roller chain specification commonly used for power transmission and mechanical drive systems. It is a standardized chain size defined by the ISO 606 and DIN 8187 standards, which ensures compatibility with various machinery and components globally.
ISO - 06B-2, MÉTRICA 35-2 - PASO DE 9,525 MM (0,375"), DÚPLEX.The ISO-06B-2 or Metric 35-2 roller chain, with a 9.525 mm (0.375") pitch, is a duplex roller chain. This means the chain has two strands of rollers, offering higher load capacity and durability compared to a simplex (single strand) chain. It is commonly used in applications requiring the transmission of higher power or load over longer distances.
Ruedas tensoras ligeras para cadena de rodillos ANSILightweight idler sprockets for ANSI roller chain are specifically designed to help guide, tension, and maintain the smooth operation of roller chains in various mechanical systems, while also reducing the overall weight of the assembly. These sprockets are used in applications where low weight and high efficiency are essential, without compromising performance.
Piñones ligeros para cadena de rodillos ANSILightweight sprockets for ANSI roller chains are designed to provide efficient power transmission while reducing overall system weight. These sprockets are commonly used in applications where minimizing weight is crucial without compromising the performance, durability, or efficiency of the drive system. They are available for a variety of ANSI standard roller chains such as #40, #50, #60, and more.
Ruedas dentadas mecanizables resistentes a la corrosión para cadena de rodillos ANSIMachinable-bore corrosion-resistant sprockets for ANSI roller chain are designed to provide long-lasting performance in environments where resistance to corrosion is critical. These sprockets offer the added advantage of being customizable in terms of bore size, which allows for easy fitting to different shaft sizes, providing flexibility for various applications.
Ruedas dentadas mecanizables resistentes a la corrosión para cadenas de rodillos métricasMachinable-bore corrosion-resistant sprockets for metric roller chain are designed to provide durability and flexibility in environments where corrosion resistance is essential, and where sprockets need to be easily customized to fit different shaft sizes. These sprockets are particularly useful in industries that require both high performance and resilience in harsh conditions, such as food processing, chemical plants, and marine applications.
Piñones mecanizables para cadena de rodillos ANSIMachinable-bore sprockets for ANSI roller chains offer the flexibility of adjusting the sprocket bore to fit different shaft sizes. This feature makes them ideal for applications where customization is necessary, particularly when dealing with variable or non-standard shaft dimensions. These sprockets are commonly used in industries requiring reliable power transmission while accommodating changes in shaft size or system configurations.
NO. 25 - PASO 1/4
NO. 35 - PASO DE 3/8
NO.100 - PASO 1-14
NO.120 - PASO 1-12
NO.140 - PASO 1-34
NO.160 - PASO DE 2
NO.180 - PASO 2-14
NO.200 - PASO 2-12
NO.240 - PASO DE 3
NO.40 - PASO DE 12
NO.41 - PASO DE 12
NO.50 - 58 "PASO
NO.60 - PASO DE 34
NO.80 - PASO DE 1
Piñones con casquillo de desconexión rápida (QD) para cadena de rodillos ANSIQuick-Disconnect (QD) bushing-bore sprockets for ANSI roller chains are designed for easy and efficient installation and removal from shafts, offering significant advantages in terms of time-saving and convenience during maintenance. The QD bushing system eliminates the need for complex tools or procedures, making sprocket replacement or adjustment quick and straightforward. This system is commonly used in applications that require frequent maintenance or where quick changes are needed without downtime.
Ruedas dentadas con casquillo cónico dividido para cadena de rodillos ANSISplit-Tapered Bushing-Bore Sprockets for ANSI roller chain are designed for quick and secure attachment to shafts, providing a reliable and easy-to-install solution for power transmission systems. The split-tapered bushing allows for a strong, precise connection to the shaft while offering the flexibility to remove or replace sprockets without the need for special tools or shaft disassembly.
Piñones para cadena de rodillos ANSISprockets for ANSI roller chains are essential components used to transfer motion and power between two rotating shafts in mechanical systems. These sprockets mesh with ANSI standard roller chains (such as #40, #50, #60, etc.), and are available in various configurations, materials, and sizes to meet the specific demands of different applications. Whether used in conveyors, industrial machinery, or automotive systems, sprockets are vital for maintaining smooth and efficient operation.
Piñones para cadena de rodillos ANSI de doble ramalSprockets for Double-Strand ANSI Roller Chain are specifically designed to accommodate the higher torque and power transmission requirements of double-strand roller chains. These sprockets are used in applications that require more load capacity and durability than single-strand systems, making them ideal for high-torque industrial applications like conveyors, agricultural machinery, and heavy-duty power transmission systems.
Piñones para cadena de rodillos métrica de doble ramalSprockets for Double-Strand Metric Roller Chain are designed to work with double-strand metric roller chains, which are widely used in industrial applications requiring higher power transmission, such as conveyors, material handling systems, and heavy-duty machinery. These sprockets accommodate the unique characteristics of metric roller chains, offering enhanced strength, durability, and efficiency in systems with higher torque and load requirements.
Piñones para cadena de rodillos métricaSprockets for Metric Roller Chain are designed to provide efficient power transmission in systems that utilize metric roller chains, which follow the ISO standard for chain pitch and dimensions. These sprockets are used in a wide range of applications, from industrial machinery to automotive systems, where precise and reliable movement is necessary. Metric roller chains and their corresponding sprockets are particularly popular in regions that follow the metric system and in applications requiring exact fit and compatibility.
Piñones para cadena de rodillos miniaturaSprockets for Miniature Roller Chain are designed to work with miniature roller chains, which are smaller in size and used for applications that require compact, precise power transmission. These chains and sprockets are often found in environments where space is limited, such as small machinery, medical devices, automated systems, and precision equipment. Despite their smaller size, miniature roller chains and sprockets maintain the same efficiency and reliability as their larger counterparts.
Piñones con casquillo Taper-Lock para cadena de rodillos ANSITaper-Lock Bushing-Bore Sprockets for ANSI roller chains are designed to provide an efficient, secure, and versatile way to attach sprockets to shafts. The Taper-Lock bushing system is widely used in industrial applications because it allows for easy installation and removal of sprockets without the need for special tools or the disassembly of the shaft.
Piñones con casquillo Taper-Lock para cadena de rodillos métricaTaper-Lock Bushing-Bore Sprockets for Metric Roller Chain provide a secure, flexible, and efficient method for mounting sprockets onto shafts, specifically for metric roller chains. The Taper-Lock bushing system is one of the most popular and reliable options in the industry due to its ease of use, quick installation, and minimal maintenance requirements. These sprockets are designed to fit metric pitch roller chains (e.g., ISO 06B, ISO 08B, ISO 12B, etc.) and are often used in applications that require precise and durable power transmission.
Ruedas tensoras resistentes al desgaste para cadena de rodillos ANSIWear-Resistant Idler Sprockets for ANSI Roller Chain are designed to improve the performance and longevity of power transmission systems, particularly in applications where the sprockets do not transmit power but guide or support the movement of the chain. Idler sprockets play a critical role in chain alignment, tensioning, and guiding, and ensuring that they are wear-resistant can significantly extend the life of both the sprockets and the chain.
Ruedas dentadas resistentes al desgaste para cadena de rodillos ANSIWear-Resistant Sprockets for ANSI Roller Chain are engineered to endure the constant friction and wear associated with high-torque and high-speed applications. These sprockets are essential for industries that rely on ANSI roller chains for efficient power transmission, including automotive, conveyor systems, material handling, and industrial machinery. By incorporating wear-resistant features, these sprockets offer improved longevity and better performance in demanding environments.
Ruedas tensoras de cubo ancho resistentes al desgaste para cadena de rodillos ANSIWear-Resistant Wide-Hub Idler Sprockets for ANSI Roller Chain are designed for heavy-duty applications where high abrasion resistance, long lifespan, and enhanced load distribution are essential. These sprockets are commonly used in non-driving positions to guide, tension, or support roller chains, particularly in environments with high levels of friction and wear. The wide hub design ensures increased strength, stability, and load-bearing capacity, making them ideal for applications that require robust performance under tough conditions.
Ruedas tensoras de cubo ancho para cadena de rodillos ANSIWide-Hub Idler Sprockets for ANSI Roller Chain are designed to provide extra support, stability, and longevity in chain-driven systems, especially where there is a need for efficient chain guidance and load distribution. These sprockets are typically used in non-driving positions, where they help to guide, tension, or support the movement of the roller chain, reducing wear and improving system reliability.
Cordón tórico resistente a productos químicosChemical Resistant O-Ring Cord Stock is a versatile material used to create O-rings and seals that can withstand exposure to a wide range of chemicals, oils, fuels, and other aggressive substances. O-ring cord stock is a continuous length of rubber or elastomer material that can be cut and shaped into custom-sized O-rings for sealing purposes. The chemical resistance of the cord stock ensures that the resulting O-rings can maintain their sealing properties even when exposed to harsh environments.
Juntas tóricas resistentes a productos químicosChemical Resistant O-Rings are specially designed seals made from elastomer materials that provide effective sealing in environments where they are exposed to aggressive chemicals, oils, solvents, fuels, and high temperatures. These O-rings are essential for applications in industries such as chemical processing, automotive, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, aerospace, and more, where robust sealing is necessary to prevent leaks and maintain system integrity.
Cordón de junta tórica de alta temperaturaHigh-Temperature O-Ring Cord Stock is a specialized sealing material used to create O-rings that can withstand elevated temperatures while maintaining their sealing properties. These cord stocks are made from elastomers designed to perform reliably under extreme heat conditions, making them ideal for industries and applications that require long-lasting seals in high-temperature environments.
Juntas tóricas de alta temperaturaHigh-Temperature O-Rings are sealing solutions specifically designed to maintain their integrity and performance in environments that experience extreme heat. These O-rings are critical in applications where high temperatures could otherwise degrade standard elastomers or cause leaks, system failure, or damage. High-temperature O-rings are commonly used in industries like aerospace, automotive, chemical processing, and oil & gas, where reliable sealing is essential even at elevated temperatures.
Junta tórica de fluoroelastómero de alto vacíoHigh Vacuum Fluoroelastomer O-Rings are specialized seals designed for use in high-vacuum environments where both chemical resistance and extreme sealing performance are required. Made from fluoroelastomer materials (such as Viton® or perfluoroelastomers like Kalrez®), these O-rings offer excellent resistance to high temperatures, aggressive chemicals, and extreme vacuum conditions, making them ideal for applications like semiconductor manufacturing, chemical processing, pharmaceuticals, and aerospace.
Juntas tóricasO-Ring Backup Rings are used in conjunction with O-rings to provide additional support and prevent extrusion in applications where the O-ring is exposed to high-pressure environments. These rings are essential for enhancing the performance and lifespan of the O-rings in sealing applications, particularly in systems that involve high pressures or aggressive fluids.
Cordón de junta tórica resistente al aceiteOil-Resistant O-Ring Cord Stock is a type of elastomer cord that is used to create O-rings specifically designed for sealing applications in environments where oils, fuels, or other petroleum-based fluids are present. These O-rings are made from materials that resist degradation, swelling, or loss of sealing ability when exposed to oils or lubricants. They are essential for systems in industries like automotive, hydraulics, oil and gas, machinery, and industrial applications that involve frequent contact with oils or fuels.
Juntas tóricas resistentes al aceiteOil-Resistant O-Rings are sealing components designed to withstand prolonged exposure to oils, lubricants, and petroleum-based fluids without degrading, swelling, or losing their sealing ability. These O-rings are crucial in systems that involve hydraulic fluid, fuel, motor oil, or lubricants, and are commonly used in industries like automotive, oil & gas, machinery, hydraulics, and industrial equipment.
Juntas tóricas resistentes al agua y al vaporWater and Steam Resistant O-Rings are specially designed seals used in systems where they are exposed to water, steam, or both. These O-rings are critical in industries where high temperatures, high pressures, and water or steam exposure are common, such as in automotive, HVAC systems, marine, food processing, pharmaceuticals, and industrial machinery.
Cordón con junta tórica resistente al agua y al vaporWater and Steam-Resistant O-Ring Cord Stock is a type of sealing material used to create custom-sized O-rings for applications exposed to water and steam. It is typically made from materials that offer excellent resistance to high temperatures, moisture, and chemical exposure, making it suitable for demanding environments where standard O-rings may fail.
CU4A Nitrogen Gas Spring CU4 is a type of gas spring designed to provide controlled motion and force in mechanical applications. It utilizes nitrogen gas as the pressurized medium inside a sealed cylinder to exert force in a specific direction, typically used for lifting, damping, positioning, and support.
CU4 SPThe Nitrogen Gas CU4 SP is a specific model of nitrogen gas spring designed for use in applications requiring controlled motion and force assistance. The CU4 designation likely refers to the series or model, and the SP suffix could indicate specific features, modifications, or design variants intended for a particular application or environment.
CU4 SPRMThe Nitrogen Gas CU4 SPRM is a variant of the CU4 series nitrogen gas spring, where the SPRM suffix indicates specific design features or modifications tailored for certain applications. While the exact meaning of SPRM may vary depending on the manufacturer, it typically refers to a specialized version of the standard CU4 gas spring.
CXA CX Nitrogen Gas Spring is a type of mechanical spring that uses nitrogen gas under pressure to provide a force or resistance. It operates on the principle of gas compression, where the pressurized nitrogen inside the spring is used to store and release energy. These springs are widely used in a variety of industrial, automotive, and engineering applications due to their ability to deliver controlled force, smooth operation, and adjustability.
CX SPA CX SP Nitrogen Gas Spring is a type of spring that uses compressed nitrogen gas to store and release energy. Unlike mechanical or coil springs that rely on metal tension or compression, nitrogen gas springs function based on the pressure of nitrogen gas confined within a sealed cylinder. These springs are known for providing a controlled, smooth force over a wide range of applications, from industrial machinery to automotive and medical equipment.
EPA EP Nitrogen Gas Spring is a type of mechanical spring that uses compressed nitrogen gas to provide a force for various applications. These springs are widely used in industries that require smooth, controlled motion, high reliability, and minimal maintenance. They are particularly popular in machinery, automotive, and industrial applications due to their ability to provide constant, adjustable force over a range of motion.
KA K Nitrogen Gas Spring is a type of spring that uses compressed nitrogen gas to provide force in a controlled and consistent manner. These springs are particularly useful in situations where traditional metal springs might not be as efficient or practical. By using compressed gas instead of mechanical tension or compression, nitrogen gas springs can offer smooth and adjustable force over a range of motion.
LCFA LCF Nitrogen Gas Spring is a type of spring that uses compressed nitrogen gas to provide a controlled, smooth, and adjustable force. Unlike traditional mechanical springs that rely on the tension or compression of metal, nitrogen gas springs use pressurized gas to create a consistent force over a range of motion.
MA M Nitrogen Gas Spring is a type of spring that utilizes compressed nitrogen gas to create force for various mechanical applications. These springs are used in a wide range of industries, offering controlled, smooth, and adjustable force. The core principle behind nitrogen gas springs is the use of pressurized gas inside a sealed cylinder to generate force that can be used to push, pull, or lift objects.
MTA MT Nitrogen Gas Spring is a type of spring that uses compressed nitrogen gas inside a sealed cylinder to provide force for a variety of mechanical applications. Unlike traditional metal springs, which rely on mechanical deformation, nitrogen gas springs work by utilizing the compressible properties of nitrogen gas to create a pushing or pulling force.
RA R Nitrogen Gas Spring is a type of spring that uses compressed nitrogen gas to create a force that can be used in various mechanical applications. Unlike traditional metal springs, which rely on physical deformation, nitrogen gas springs utilize the compressible nature of nitrogen gas inside a sealed chamber to generate force when compressed or extended.
SPCA SPC Nitrogen Gas Spring is a type of spring that uses compressed nitrogen gas to provide force in a controlled and consistent manner. These springs are particularly useful in situations where traditional metal springs might not be as efficient or practical. By using compressed gas instead of mechanical tension or compression, nitrogen gas springs can offer smooth and adjustable force over a range of motion.
TIA TI Nitrogen Gas Spring is a type of mechanical spring that uses nitrogen gas under pressure to provide a force or resistance. It operates on the principle of gas compression, where the pressurized nitrogen inside the spring is used to store and release energy. These springs are widely used in a variety of industrial, automotive, and engineering applications due to their ability to deliver controlled force, smooth operation, and adjustability.
TLA TL Nitrogen Gas Spring is a type of spring that uses compressed nitrogen gas to provide a controlled, smooth, and adjustable force. Unlike traditional mechanical springs that rely on the tension or compression of metal, nitrogen gas springs use pressurized gas to create a consistent force over a range of motion.
TMA TM Nitrogen Gas Spring is a type of spring that uses compressed nitrogen gas inside a sealed cylinder to provide force for a variety of mechanical applications. Unlike traditional metal springs, which rely on mechanical deformation, nitrogen gas springs work by utilizing the compressible properties of nitrogen gas to create a pushing or pulling force.
TMSA TMS Nitrogen Gas Spring is a type of spring that uses compressed nitrogen gas to provide force in a controlled and consistent manner. These springs are particularly useful in situations where traditional metal springs might not be as efficient or practical. By using compressed gas instead of mechanical tension or compression, nitrogen gas springs can offer smooth and adjustable force over a range of motion.
TUA TU Nitrogen Gas Spring is a type of mechanical spring that uses compressed nitrogen gas to provide a force for various applications. These springs are widely used in industries that require smooth, controlled motion, high reliability, and minimal maintenance. They are particularly popular in machinery, automotive, and industrial applications due to their ability to provide constant, adjustable force over a range of motion.
TURA TUR Nitrogen Gas Spring is a type of spring that uses compressed nitrogen gas to create a force that can be used in various mechanical applications. Unlike traditional metal springs, which rely on physical deformation, nitrogen gas springs utilize the compressible nature of nitrogen gas inside a sealed chamber to generate force when compressed or extended.
TUSA TUS Nitrogen Gas Spring is a type of spring that uses compressed nitrogen gas to store and release energy. Unlike mechanical or coil springs that rely on metal tension or compression, nitrogen gas springs function based on the pressure of nitrogen gas confined within a sealed cylinder. These springs are known for providing a controlled, smooth force over a wide range of applications, from industrial machinery to automotive and medical equipment.
TXA TX Nitrogen Gas Spring is a type of spring that uses compressed nitrogen gas to provide force in a controlled and consistent manner. These springs are particularly useful in situations where traditional metal springs might not be as efficient or practical. By using compressed gas instead of mechanical tension or compression, nitrogen gas springs can offer smooth and adjustable force over a range of motion.
XA X Nitrogen Gas Spring is a type of gas spring designed to provide controlled motion and force in mechanical applications. It utilizes nitrogen gas as the pressurized medium inside a sealed cylinder to exert force in a specific direction, typically used for lifting, damping, positioning, and support.
XFA XF Nitrogen Gas Spring is a mechanical device that uses compressed nitrogen gas within a sealed cylinder to provide force and energy. This type of spring operates differently from traditional metal springs, which rely on physical deformation. Instead, nitrogen gas springs utilize the compressibility of nitrogen gas to generate a controlled and adjustable force when compressed or extended.
XGA TUS Nitrogen Gas Spring is a type of spring that uses compressed nitrogen gas to store and release energy. Unlike mechanical or coil springs that rely on metal tension or compression, nitrogen gas springs function based on the pressure of nitrogen gas confined within a sealed cylinder. These springs are known for providing a controlled, smooth force over a wide range of applications, from industrial machinery to automotive and medical equipment.
XMSA XMS Nitrogen Gas Spring is a type of mechanical spring that uses compressed nitrogen gas to provide a force for various applications. These springs are widely used in industries that require smooth, controlled motion, high reliability, and minimal maintenance. They are particularly popular in machinery, automotive, and industrial applications due to their ability to provide constant, adjustable force over a range of motion.
Heavy Duty Ball Linear Guideway-HG Series