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8 Common Uses for Polyurethane Coated Bearings

Release time : 2024-08-15 22:08:19

Polyurethane coated bearings show off modern engineering at its best. They stand out for exceptional durability, low friction, and chemical and impact resistance. Created to boost how machines perform and make them last longer in various industries, these bearings are a go-to choice.

This blog will guide you through eight common uses that showcase their reliability and wide range of use.


Polyurethane Coated Bearings

What are Polyurethane Coated Bearings?

Definition and Composition

Polyurethane-coated bearings are carefully crafted components. They feature polyurethane coatings applied to both the rolling elements and races of the bearing. This high-performance polymer consists of a series of connected molecules that form a strong chain. The process of applying polyurethane to the bearings involves advanced techniques to make sure a uniform and robust coating.


Key Properties

The key properties of polyurethane coated bearings include:

  • Durability: They offer an extended lifespan because of their resistance to wear and tear.
  • Low Friction: The friction coefficient for polyurethane can range from around 0.1 to 0.3. This is significantly lower than many other materials, which leads to less heat generation and energy loss.
  • Chemical Resistance: They can withstand exposure to various chemicals, making them ideal for harsh environments.


Benefits of Using Polyurethane Coated Bearings

Durability and Longevity

Polyurethane bearings offer a long-lasting and durable performance due to their robust material properties, wear resistance, and low friction. They're designed to handle high loads without bending out of shape, reducing wear by avoiding metal-to-metal contact. The material's resistance to chemicals and sealed designs protects against harsh environments and dirt, while their self-lubricating requires less maintenance, ensuring a longer service life.


Noise Reduction

Polyurethane bearings reduce noise. Through their smooth rolling action, sound-soaking properties, compatibility with machinery parts, they reduce friction and impact. They 're made to avoid metal-on-metal noise and often include noise-absorbing design features, enhancing both comfort and performance.


Chemical Resistance

Polyurethane-coated bearings are great for places that deal with harsh chemicals. They can handle corrosive substances without getting damaged, which is perfect for industries with rough conditions.


Explore 8 Common Uses for Polyurethane Coated Bearings

Automotive Industry

Here's a table summarizing the role of polyurethane-coated bearings in automotive applications:

Application Area

Benefits of Polyurethane-coated Bearings 

Suspension Bushings

Connect control arms to the chassis, ensuring smooth movement and wheel alignment.

Vibration Isolation

Absorb road vibrations to keep the car quiet and ride smooth.

Load Distribution

Evenly distribute heavy loads, supporting machinery and handling shock loads.

Corrosion Protection

Protect against environmental factors like moisture and chemicals, especially in harsh conditions.


Outlast standard bearings, reducing replacement frequency and maintenance costs.

Enhanced Performance

Low-friction bearing surface improves vehicle handling and fuel efficiency.

Tailored Options

Adjust hardness for specific needs, ensuring optimal bearing performance in specific applications.

Non-Magnetic & Non-Conductive

Do not interfere with electronics, crucial for compatibility with modern vehicle systems.


Manufacturing Equipment

Here's a concise table summarizing the role of polyurethane-coated bearings in various applications:

Application Aspects

Benefits of Polyurethane-Coated Bearings

Conveyor Systems

- Reduce wear and tear
- Lower noise levels
- Improve grip


- Increase precision
- Enhance durability in harsh conditions
- Minimize maintenance requirements

Manufacturing Equipment

- Offer a wide range of use across applications
- Protect against contaminants
- Contribute to energy efficiency

Overall Impact

Make manufacturing process smoother and more effectively, extend equipment longevity, reduce maintenance needs, and support smoother operations.


Aerospace Industry

Here's a concise table outlining the application of polyurethane-coated bearings in aircraft systems:

Application Aspect

Benefits in Aircraft Systems

Load Distribution

Evenly distribute heavy loads in engines and landing gear.

Corrosion Resistance

Protect against harsh environmental conditions and chemicals.

Low Friction

Reduce friction for smooth operation in high-load applications.

Enhanced Durability

Extend service life in demanding aircraft conditions.

Vibration and Noise Reduction

Dampen noise and vibration for improved comfort and performance.

Non-Magnetic & Non-Conductive

Ensure no interference with sensitive electronics and sensors.


Adjustable hardness for tailored performance in various components.

High Temperature Resistance

Withstand high temperatures in engine areas without property loss.

Chemical Resistance

Resist chemicals encountered during maintenance and operation.

Abrasion Resistance

Maintain bearing integrity in harsh conditions.

These bearings make planes work better, safer, and more comfortable for passengers. They offer many advantages that are just right for what airplane systems need.


Food Processing Industry

Check out this short table that shows the benefits of using polyurethane-coated bearings in food processing machinery:

Application Aspect

Benefits in Food Processing

Hygiene Compliance

Prevent bacterial growth and dirt.

Chemical Resistance

Withstand exposure to cleaning agents and sanitizers.

Corrosion Resistance

Protect against moisture and water damage during cleaning.

Low Friction

Reduce heat and wear for efficient operation.

Temperature Stability

Perform well in varying temperatures of food processing.

Non-Stick Properties

Prevent food residues from accumulating and cleaning process easier.

Longevity and Low Maintenance

Reduce replacement frequency and maintenance.


Tailored properties for specific food processing needs.

Regulatory Compliance

Meet food safety regulations and industry standards.


Medical Equipment

Here's a quick and easy-to-understand table that shows how polyurethane-coated bearings are used in medical equipment.

Application Aspect

Benefit in Medical Devices


Ensure accurate device operation.


Provide consistent performance.

Corrosion Resistance

Protect against exposure to chemicals and fluids.


Allow properties adjustment for specific uses.

Hygiene Standards

Easy to clean and resistant to bacterial growth.

Chemical Resistance

Maintain functionality with exposure to disinfectants.

Temperature Stability

Perform well in various temperature conditions.


Reduce maintenance and replacement needs.

Tissue Compatibility

Safe for contact with body tissues or fluids.

Cleaning and Disinfecting Stability

Withstand various cleaning and disinfecting processes without degradation.

These bearings contribute to the better performance and safety of medical devices. They have many good features that meet the high standards of the medical industry.


Marine Applications

These bearings are great for boats and d other watery situations. They're very dependable and can handle saltwater and other things that might wear them out without getting damaged.  This makes sure vessels sail smoothly.

Application Aspects

Benefits in Marine Applications

Corrosion Resistance

Protect against saltwater corrosion and rust.

Low Friction

Ensure smooth operation, reducing energy loss.

Chemical Resistance

Withstand exposure to marine chemicals and fuels.

Water and Solvent Resistance

Resist water and solvent damage from regular submersion.

Load Carrying Capacity

Handle heavy loads in propulsion and traction systems.

Enhanced Efficiency

Improve overall efficiency through reduced friction.

Tailor-Made Options

Adapt to specific marine requirements and constraints.

Long Service Life

Endure harsh marine conditions over a long period.

Maintenance Reduction

Requires less frequent replacement and upkeep.


Packaging Machinery

Polyurethane-coated bearings are favored in packaging world because they make machines work smarter and last longer. They give equipment the boost it needs to keep things running smoothly and efficiently.

Here's a concise table summarizing the benefits of polyurethane-coated bearings in packaging machines:

Application Aspects

Benefits in Packaging Machinery

Reduced Friction

Decreases resistance between moving parts for smoother operation.

Increased Durability

High resistance to wear extends the life of the bearings.

Enhanced Load-Bearing

Designed to handle heavy loads common in packaging processes.

Noise Reduction

Operates quietly, contributing to a better work environment.

Vibration Damping

Absorbs vibrations for more stable and precise packaging operations.

Chemical Resistance

Protects against damage from cleaning agents and other chemicals.


Can be tailored to fit specific packaging machine requirements.

Low Maintenance

Requires less upkeep because of durability and resistance to wear.


Textile Industry

Polyurethane-coated bearings are extremely effective in boosting both the efficiency and service life of machines used in the textile industry.

Here's a straightforward table that outlines the advantages of these bearings in the textile industry:

Application Aspects

Benefits in Textile Industry

Low Friction

Enhance efficiency in high-speed textile operations.

Increased Durability

Reduce maintenance and replacement frequency.

Resistance to Environmental Factors

Withstand dust, moisture, and chemicals common in textile production.

Noise Reduction

Contribute to a quieter operation.

Vibration Damping

Absorb vibrations for a stable and precise process.

Load Distribution

Evenly distribute heavy loads for consistent performance.

Tailored options

Tailored to meet specific application needs.

Improved Production Process

Ensure efficient, high-quality textile manufacturing.


Choosing the Right Polyurethane Coated Bearings for Your Needs

Factors to Consider

Selecting the right polyurethane-coated bearings involves assessing factors like the load they'll carry, how much friction they'll reduce, their resistance to corrosion and chemicals, the temperatures they'll handle, and the specific tasks.

Also, think about the speed of your machinery, how long the bearings need to last, how easy they are to maintain, and what they cost. Make sure they meet any necessary standards and consider if you can get them customized for your needs. This way, you get bearings that work best for your textile machines, saving the cost while keeping everything running smoothly.


Customization Options

Polyurethane can change and adapt to fit all kinds of jobs in different industries. People can tailor the coated bearings to get just the right fit for the specific need.

  • Sizes: There are two varieties: regular sizes that work for everyday needs, and special sizes that can be customized for the particular specs, like the exact measurements for the outer, inner diameter, and overall width.
  • Shapes: Offered in standard forms like spherical and cylindrical shapes, as well as shapes tailored fit unique spaces or functional needs.
  • Hardness Levels: Formulated with a variety of durometer ratings (e.g., 40A to 70A) for a balanced choice between bearing capacity, high wear resistance, and shock absorption, with the option for custom hardness level to match particular application demands.
  • Additional Options:
    • Material Compounds: The chemicals in these bearings can be modified so as to be tough enough to handle exposure to chemicals, sunlight, and a wide range of temperatures without losing their strength or shape.
    • Color Coding: They come in versions that are easy to spot and recognize, and they meet the special rules and requirements of various industries.
    • Special Features: Make sure to add those little protective covers like seals and shields. People can add some lubrication to keep the bearings running in various environments.
    • Coating Thickness: Easy to adjust for a boost in protection or performance.
    • Tolerance Levels: Made with precise tolerances, these bearings are perfect for jobs that requires high accuracy.

These special features ensure that urethane bearings can match specialized industrial applications with longer service life.



Maintenance and Care for Polyurethane Coated Bearings

Regular Inspection

Checking on these polyurethane-coated bearings often is super important. It ensures optimal performance and prevents problems in the buds.


Proper Lubrication

Proper lubrication not only reduces friction but also extends the life of the bearing. This means saving cost in the long run without need of frequent replacement.


Cleaning and Storage

Proper cleaning and storage are essential to maintain the performance of polyurethane coated bearings, extend their service life, and prevent damage. Here are some tips to help you keep your bearings in optimal condition:


  • Use mild detergents and soft brushes to clean gently, avoiding abrasives.
  • Clean lubrication grooves thoroughly and rinse well to remove detergent.
  • Air dry completely, avoiding direct heat to prevent coating damage.


  • Store only clean and dry bearings to prevent rust or dirt.
  • Use sealed containers with desiccant for a dry environment, and avoid stacking.
  • Keep in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight and temperature extremes.
  • Regularly inspect for damage and maintain an organized system for easy identification.
  • Apply a light lubricant layer if stored long-term to prevent    and ease reinstallation.



Polyurethane coated bearings are a testament to the power of innovation in engineering. Their unique properties make them ideal a wide range of applications. We recommend considering these bearings for your industry needs. Please feel free to reach out to LILY Bearing for further inquiries or to make a purchase.

We promise top-notch quality and we're ready to work closely with you to find the best fit for your needs. Trust us to find the perfect solution for your project. Give your machinery the edge it needs with LILY Bearing's polyurethane coated bearings.



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Goodenough Lu

Goodenough Lu is a mechanical engineering major with over ten years of experience in bearing applications.

He possesses a comprehensive understanding of the operational characteristics of a wide range of mechanical products such as automobiles, motorcycles, various motors, electric tools, machine tools, and processing equipment.

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