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What Are Coated Bearings?

Release time : 2024-07-31 13:52:55

To improve their performance and service life, coatings are applied to these bearings, creating what we know as coated bearings. This blog explores the types, benefits, operating conditions of coated bearings, and why polyurethane coated bearings, specifically, stand out for their exceptional characteristics and high performance. In the realm of machinery and mechanical systems, the reliability and efficiency of components are vital. Bearings are especially critical for reducing friction and wear in rotating parts.


Understanding Coated Bearings

Coated bearings are engineered with an additional layer applied to their surfaces, which enhances their inherent properties. The general purpose of these coatings is to reduce friction, prevent wear, and extend the life of the bearings. The overall benefits of using coated bearings include improved performance, reduced maintenance, and a smaller environmental footprint.

Polyurethane coated bearing

Types of Coated Bearings

Coated bearings come in all sorts of varieties, and each one has its own special benefits that make it perfect for certain uses.


Polyurethane Coated Bearings

Polymer coatings on bearings make them more resistant to abrasion and shock loads help them slide more smoothly. They act like a protective layer, helping the bearings last longer. This is especially useful in rough conditions filled with dirt and grime.


Ceramic Coated Bearings

Ceramic coated bearings are great at dealing with heat, so they have a long life. They stay tough even under extreme heat, making them perfect for fast-spinning machines or parts deep inside engines. These bearings don't let you down where traditional metal ones, such as high-speed machinery and engine bearings might.


Teflon (PTFE) Coated Bearings

Teflon(PTFE) coated bearings offer an impressively low coefficient of friction and chemical resistance. They are ideal for applications where non-stick properties and resistance to corrosive substances are required.


Polymer Coated Bearings

Coatings made of polymer on bearings enhance their wear resistance and lower friction. This protective layer greatly extends these bearings' life, especially in tough conditions with a lot of contamination.


Dry Film Lubricant Coated Bearings

Dry film lubricant coatings work great in tough and high-demand settings. They create a smooth, long-lasting layer that makes things slide against each other with less friction and wear. This is different from usual liquid lubricants, which might evaporate or lose their effectiveness in really tough conditions.


Benefits of Coated Bearings


Enhanced Durability

The coatings applied to bearings help to decrease friction between bearing surfaces. This reduction in friction results in smoother operation, reducing energy consumption and extending the service life of the bearings.


Reduced Friction

The coatings applied to bearings help to decrease friction between bearing surfaces. This reduction in friction results in smoother operation, reducing energy consumption and extending the service life of the bearings.


Improved Performance in Cold Starts

During cold starts, when lubrication is low, coated bearings add extra protection to prevent too much wear. This benefit is vital in cars and industrial equipment that often start from a standstill.


Improved Performance in Extreme Conditions

Coated bearings keep working well under intense pressure, high speeds, and extreme heat. Their coatings shield the bearing surfaces, making sure they operate smoothly even in the toughest situations.


Corrosion Resistance

Coatings shield bearings from rust, making them a great choice for places with moisture and harsh chemicals. This helps bearings last longer and stay reliable even in tough conditions. The protective layers keep bearings safe from moisture and harmful substances, ensuring they last longer.


Higher Load-Bearing Capacity

Coated bearings can support heavier weights because they spread stress evenly across their surfaces. This feature is especially useful in heavy machinery and situations needing high load support. The coating helps manage heavier loads smoothly by spreading stress evenly.


Enhanced Lubrication Retention

Coated bearings hold onto lubrication better, which means less need for re-lubrication and better performance overall. This is especially important in situations where regular maintenance is hard or rare.


Maintenance Reduction

Coated bearings are built to be tough, which means people won't need to check on them as often and replace them less frequently. This results in lower costs and less time when your equipment is sitting idle waiting for repairs.


Operating Conditions for Coated Bearings


Typical Applications

Coated bearings are a popular choice in many industries because of their improved qualities. Common applications for these bearings include:

  • Automotive
  • Industrial machinery
  • Aerospace
  • Engine bearings
  • Robotics
  • Medical equipment
  • Marine equipment
  • Construction machinery
  • Renewable energy systems
  • Agriculture machinery


Specific Use Cases for Polyurethane Coated Bearings

Polyurethane-coated bearings are great for places that need things to be highly wear-resistant and flexible. They're chosen for their ability to last a long time and handle heavy loads, which is especially important in these settings.                        


Polyurethane Coated Bearings

Composition and Manufacturing Process

Polyurethane coated bearings are made with great care. Here's how it's done:

  • Surface Preparation: First, the surface of the regular bearing is cleaned and prepared to make sure it's perfect for the next step.
  • Coating Application: Then, a layer of polyurethane is carefully put on the bearing. This is done using special methods to make sure it sticks well.
  • Curing: Finally, the bearing is left to set. This step is important to make sure the polyurethane layer sticks properly and the bearing works its best.


Advantages of Polyurethane Coated Bearings

Polyurethane coated bearings offer many advantages. They are resistant to rust, can take on big loads, and are really durable against wear and tear. They are engineered to endure tough conditions, ensuring dependable operation and cut-down need for frequent maintenance.


Case Studies and Examples

Let's take a look at how polyurethane-coated bearings shine in different real-life scenarios:

  • Electric Vehicles: polyurethane-coated bearings help motors run more smoothly and efficiently, which can extend battery life.
  • Factories: In manufacturing, these bearings on conveyor belts handle heavy loads. They can manage hefty loads and stand up constant use, keeping the production line running smoothly with fewer interruptions.
  • Aircraft: They're tough enough for landing gear, dealing with the stress and weather conditions to ensure safer landings.
  • Ships: On propeller shafts, these bearings resist the corrosive effects of seawater, lasting longer and needing fewer replacements.
  • MRI Machines: They keep medical equipment like MRIs running smoothly and quietly, with less need for maintenance.
  • Construction Sites: Machines like excavators and cranes count on these bearings because they can handle heavy loads and resist wear, working efficiently in tough conditions.
  • Wind Turbines: In the renewable energy sector, these bearings in turbines keep spinning smoothly, even in remote areas where it’s hard to fix things.


Some Brands of Coated Bearings

Calico Coated Bearings

Unique Features

Calico coated bearings, a collaboration with ACL and Mahle/Clevite, feature cutting-edge CT-1 or CT-11 Dry Film Lubricant coatings. These special coatings cut down on friction, stand up to wear and tear, and keep dirt at bay. Besides, they boost the bearings' toughness, strength, and longevity, making them just right for high-performance motorsports.


Benefits of Calico Coated Bearings

Calico coated bearings are perfect for high-performance tasks. They reduce friction, so things run more smoothly and don't heat up as much. Plus, they help parts last longer. Their enhanced durability and abrasion resistance make them last longer, even in tough, motorsport conditions. Besides, they shrug off dust and dirt, ensuring consistent performance. The coatings' embeddability and added strength are favored by professionals and can be customized with CT-11 for specific requirements.


Applications of Calico Coated Bearings

Calico Coated Bearings are favorites for their top-notch performance and toughness.

Calico Coated Bearings are ideal for all sorts of challenging tasks. Whether it's racing, big engines in airplanes or boats, factory machinery, green energy projects, off-roading, or any tough vehicle use, these bearings excel. They're great at reducing friction and wear, preventing rust even in harsh conditions, and ensuring smooth operation no matter how challenging the situation.


How to Choose the Right Coated Bearings

Factors to Consider

Picking the perfect coated bearings is all about matching them to your needs. Think about where and how you'll use them, what kind of load required to carry, and the environmental conditions they'll be in. Taking the time to get a clear picture of these details will help you find bearings that work just right for your setup.


Comparing Different Coated Bearings

Coating Type Best Use Cases Key Features
DLC Coated Bearings High-load, high-speed environments Low friction, high hardness, wear resistance
PTFE Coated Bearings Non-stick surfaces, food processing Chemical resistance, non-stick
Nitrided Bearings General industrial, fatigue and corrosion Improved hardness, wear resistance
Phosphate Coated Marine environments, corrosion resistance Provides base for paint, enhanced corrosion resistance
Zinc/Nickel Plated Corrosion protection, decorative finish Good corrosion resistance, decorative
Si3N4 Coated Bearings High-temperature applications Thermal stability, low thermal expansion
MoS2 Coated Bearings Dry lubrication, outdoor machinery Solid lubrication, good for low-speed, high-load
Tungsten Carbide Heavy-duty, abrasive environments Extreme wear resistant


Maintenance and Care for Coated Bearings

Regular Maintenance Tips

Maintaining coated bearings is key to keeping them running smoothly for longer. Here's a simple tips on regular maintenance:

  • Stay on Lubrication Schedule: Keep up with your lubrication routine to keep the bearings moving easily.
  • Check Often: Regularly inspect the bearings to catch any issues early.
  • Fix Fast: Whenever you see an issue, sort it out quickly. This keeps things running smoothly and at their best.


Common Issues and Solutions

Common issues like wear, getting dirty, or not having the right lube can shorten a bearing's life. To avoid this:

  • Clean Regularly: Give the bearings a good cleaning to keep them free from grime.
  • Choose the Right Lube: Always use the bearing lubricant that's just right for the job.
  • Watch the Conditions: Make sure the bearings are in the right environment to work properly.



Getting the right coated bearings is key to making your machinery last and perform well with lower upkeep cost. This article has covered a range of coated bearings, especially polyurethane-coated ones.

If you're in the market for bearings, think about going with polyurethane-coated ones. They're worth checking out for the advantages they bring to your work.
For smooth and reliable performance, get in touch with LILY Bearing. They offer expert guidance to help you find the best solution and the ideal fit for your specific requirements.

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William is a mechanical engineering graduate with a focus on design and manufacturing of machine automation.

He has three years of industry experience, which has enabled him to become proficient in AutoCAD and SolidWorks drawing software.

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